Code |
Year |
Semester |
ECTS Credits |
Workload |
Scientific area |
Communication Sciences
Entry requirements |
Learning outcomes |
The course aims to identify and address journalistic currents that differ from the conventional and dominant journalistic paradigm, including the technological innovations used by them. At the end of the course, students should have acquired skills that allow them to participate in the production process of journalistic contents that use the techniques, narratives and languages presented.
Syllabus |
1. New journalisms: reasons for their emergence.
2. Slow journalism.
3- Solutions journalism
4. Data Journalism
5. Other journalisms
Main Bibliography |
Casares, A. (2021). La Hora Del Periodismo Constructivo: El poder transformador de la información orientada al futuro y a las soluciones. Ed. Universidad de Navarra:
Dader, J. L. (1997). Periodismo de precisión: vía socioinformática de descubrir noticias. Editorial Síntesis
Dodd, Bill (2021). Solutions Journalism: News at the Intersection of Hope, Leadership, and Expertise. Lexington Books
Flores, J. M. (2017). Periodismo en nuevos formatos. Madrid: Editorial Frágua
Gray, J., Chambers, L. & Bounegru, L. (2012). The Data Journalism Handbook: How Journalists Can Use Data to Improve the News. O'Reilly Media
Le Masurier, M. (2020). Slow Journalism. New York: Routledge
Murua, I. and Agirre, A. (2021). Periodismo de cocción lenta. Univ. del País Vasco
Sánchez-Laws, A. L. (2022). Conceptualising Immersive Journalism (Disruptions). Routledge
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
The theoretical-practical expositive lessons about the new journalisms, with viewing of examples, seek to present these currents, namely their characteristics and the potential difficulties in the production of such contents. With the acquired knowledge, students will produce the four papers included in the evaluation.
The theoretical component will also include a module on the structure of a scientific article, which, together with the knowledge on new journalisms, will allow the student to write the scientific article required in the evaluation. Given the theoretical-practical nature of the course, students are advised to attend 80% of the classes, and the assignments for assessment will be developed in the practical classes.
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.