Code |
Year |
Semester |
ECTS Credits |
Workload |
Scientific area |
Communication Sciences
Entry requirements |
Learning outcomes |
Reflect and evaluate together the various stages of development of the research work, creating conditions for a sustained development of the dissertation or internship report. Present and discuss chapters or specific parts of ongoing research work. Identify critical aspects in the scientific work process, considering theoretical adequacy and empirical research procedures.
Syllabus |
Definition of an investigation: presentation of the theme and the problem The state of the art: what is known about an object of study The methodological options: suitability and feasibility Production and presentation of work leading to the dissertation or internship report
Main Bibliography |
Braga, José Luiz (2008). A prática da pesquisa em Comunicação: abordagem metodológica como tomada de decisões. E-compós, vol. 14, nº 1 Deacon, David, Michael Pickering, Peter Golding & Graham Murdock (2007). Researching Communications: a practical guide to methods in media and cultural analysis. Londres: Hodder Arnold. Eco, Umberto (2003). Como se Faz uma Tese em Ciências Humanas. Lisboa: Presença. Jensen, Klaus Bruhn (2002). Handbook of Media and Communication Research: Qualitative and quantitative. Londres: Routledge Lago, Cláudia & Benetti, Marcia (2010). Metodologia de Pesquisa em Jornalismo. Petrópolis: Vozes. Quivy, Raymond & Van Campenhoudt, Luc (1992). Manual de investigação em ciências sociais. Lisboa: Gradiva Wimmer, Roger, Joseph Dominick & José Luis Dader (1996). La investigación científica de los medios de comunicación: una introducción a sus métodos. Barcelona: Bosch.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
The methodology, corresponding to a unit with only group OT sessions, involves support work and provision of relevant teachings (of an epistemological, methodological or formal nature) for correct progress in the dissertations.
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.