Learning outcomes |
To develop the student's knowledge of concepts, models and physical laws necessary for the interpretation of observed phenomena at various levels of biological organization and intrinsic to various laboratory techniques. It also seeks to provide a basic training in Classical Physics. At the end of this curricular unit, the student must be able to better understand the world around, their constituent parts and the interactions between them. Develop skills that emphasize understanding of concepts and ideas into play, without giving up the rigor of mathematical analysis. Express ideas in a reasoned manner, through oral and written communication. Develop group work skills. Assume the responsibility for their learning.
Syllabus |
1. Introduction of key concepts of Newtonian Mechanics, mathematical formulation of these concepts and training of the students ability in its use in new situations; 2.Understanding of the fundamental properties of the different states of matter important in all sciences, in engineering, and in medicine; 3. Study of wave phenomena, in which a large number of physical systems can be successfully modeled; 4. Fundamental concepts of Electricity and Magnetism, to better understand the operating principle of biological systems and some instruments.
Main Bibliography |
A-College Physics, Serway e Faughn, Thomson 7a. ed (2005); Biomedical Applications of Introductory Physics, J. A. Tuszynski and J. M. Dixon, John Wiley & Sons, ed (2002); Physics in Biology and Medicine, Paul Davidovits, Elsevier, ed (2008); General Physics With Bioscience Essays, J. B. Marion and W. F. Hornyak, John Wiley & Sons; 2nd ed (January 1985)
B-Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Paul A. Tipler, 4th Edition Freeman/Worth Publishers B-Fundamentals of Physics, Extended, D. Halliday, R. Resnick, J. Walker, John Wiley & Sons; General Physics, M. Sternheim and J. Kane, 2nd Edition John Wiley & Sons (1991); General Physics With Bioscience Essays, J. B. Marion and W. F. Hornyak, John Wiley & Sons; 2nd edition (January 1985); Introdução à Física, J. Dias Deus, M. Pimenta, A. Noronha, T. Peña e P. Brogueira, McGrawHill; Física Moderna Modern Physics, K. Krane, John Wiley & Sons Modern Physics from a to Z0, J. W. Rohlf, John Wiley & Sons