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Thesis Project

Code 9829
Year 1
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 8
Workload TP(16H)
Scientific area Marketing e Estratégia
Entry requirements NA
Learning outcomes Teaching objectives
The main objective of the Thesis Project curriculum unit is to provide students with the necessary tools to prepare their thesis project. In addition, it is also intended to contribute to the achievement of learning outcomes.

Learning outcomes
- Define the research topic and demonstrate its relevance;
- Learn how to conduct a critical literature review work, showing the need to form a solid knowledge base, particularly in relation to previous studies;
- Define the research questions and how to answer them;
- Define objectives that are achievable based on the time horizon of the project;
- Formulate research proposals/hypotheses;
- Define the type of methodology to adopt;
- Establish and define a realistic time horizon.
Syllabus The student is expected to prepare a research project suitable for a PhD, namely to define it:
1. topic, objectives and relevance of the same
2. Research questions
3. Literature review
4. Conceptual framework, theory and hypotheses
5. Methodology
6. Contributions to theory and practice
7. Limitations
8. Ethical issues
9. Time plan
Main Bibliography Gail Craswell, Megan Poore (2012), Writing for Academic Success, SAGE Publication.

Punch, Keith F. (2006), Developing Effective Research Proposals (2nd Edition), SAGE Publications.

Ridley, Diana (2008), The literature Review A step-by-step Guide for Students, SAGE Publications.

Jerry J Wellington, Ann-Marie Bathmaker, Cheryl Hunt, Gary McCulloch, Pat Sikes (2005), Succeeding with Your Doctorate, SAGE Publications.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-10-31

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