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Administrative Services

The Administrative Services are structuring services activities of the University, responsible for the management of administrative affairs.

They comprise the following divisions, coordinated by interim leaders of 2nd degree or high level technicians:

  • Human Resources Division;
  • Financial Division;
  • Stewardship and Heritage Division.

The Administrative Services are coordinated by an administrator.



The Human Resources Division comprises the following sectors:

  • Personnel Sector;
  • Wages Sector;
  • Expedient Sector.



Publication of Career Acts

See here all the information related to:

  • Change of Category
  • Amendment of contracts
  • Percentage Change
  • Expiry
  • Termination of contracts
  • Fixed-term contracts
  • Indefinite contracts
  • Duty travel
  • Personnel maps
  • Mobility between careers
  • Contracts renewals


Tender Procedures


 Mobility Programmes


  • Parity Commission




DRH - Personnel Sector

The Personnel Sector is responsible for:

  • Arranging and carrying out the procedures referring to recruitment, selection of non-teaching staff, provision and hiring, as well as regarding the promotion, progression, mobility, exoneration, termination of contracts and retirement of staff throughout the University;
  • Assuring the administrative management of human resources, in particular by updated maintenance of processing of allowances and discounts, extraordinary work, duty travel, management of individual processes, among others;
  • Instructing the processes concerning the accumulation of functions, absences and licences;
  • Managing personnel maps;
  • Instructing the processes relating to the evaluation of the performance of non-teaching staff;
  • Elaborating the staff contracts and the leaders’ terms of office;
  • Organizing and maintaining updated staff registration;
  • Ensuring the management of the file system, keeping the processes duly organized and updated, ensuring the confidentiality of the recorded data;
  • Issuing certificates legally required, declarations and notes of the staff’s service length;
  • Proceeding to registration in the social security systems of personnel serving at the University;
  • Drawing up a map of personnel and a social balance sheet, as well as other elements intended for University publications;
  • Carrying studies of description, analysis and specification of functions of non-teaching staff and researchers, with a view to defining the corresponding profiles to jobs.


DRH – Wages Sector

The Wages Sector is responsible for:

  • Rendering the salaries and other staff allowances;
  • Developing guides and links for delivery to the State and other entities of amounts and discounts they are due;
  • Inserting on the platforms of the various entities information on teaching and non-teaching staff;
  • Collaborating in the elaboration of the project budget, in the social balance sheet and in the provision of information to multiple units and organic subunits;
  • Ensuring the provision of information through the annual statement and the statement of income.



DRH – Expedient Sector

The Expedient Sector is responsible for:

  • Ensuring registration of input, output and mail forwarding at the University;
  • Ensuring internal and external mail distribution at the University;
  • Organizing, defining and monitoring document management circuits;
  • Elaborating information on topics in its field of action.




The Financial Division comprises the following sectors:

  • General Accounting Sector
  • Budget Management Sector
  • Sector of Analysis and Internal Control
  • Treasury Sector



DF - General Accounting Sector

The General Accounting Sector is responsible for:

  • Proceeding to the accounting records of revenue and expenditure in budgetary aspects, analytical and equity;
  • Elaborating information and periodic accounting reports in support of the Management and Administration Board;
  • Analysing the evolution of the burden on consumption with a view to social, environmental and financial sustainability;
  • Preparing payment authorization procedures for approval by the Board of Management;
  • Registration and control of activities inherent to the supply of services abroad;
  • Sending the billing of services and goods abroad;
  • Controlling the current accounts of debtors and creditors;
  • Processing the delivery declarations for VAT and guarantee the fulfilment of the other tax obligations;
  • Registering the refund processes of ADSE and other expedient related to accounting;
  • Preparing bank reconciliations for the several accounts;
  • Informing about the processes as regards the legality and place of funds;
  • Organizing the management account and submit it to the Management Board’s assessment;
  • Keeping the service file up to date;


DF - Budget Management Sector

The Budget Management Sector is responsible for:

  • Entering budget information with regard to the place and commitments;
  • Drafting budget projects and legal reports and make its necessary changes;
  • Monitoring the financial performance of the budget of the various units and organic subunits;
  • Asking for transfers of funds;
  • Controlling the budget management, reporting authority entities with the periodicity required legally;
  • Prepare financial reports.


DF - Analysis and Control Sector

The Analysis and Control Sector is responsible for:

  • Developing economic and financial analyses;
  • Controlling the accounting system that identifies analytically costs and income associated to organic units and projects;
  • Conceiving, monitoring and developing the Internal Control Manual and coordinating the implementation of recommendations;
  • Supporting services and organic units in accounting matters;
  • Ensuring control of operations in the cycle authorization/approval/execution and registration, according to the criteria set out;
  • Promoting the methodical and efficient follow-up of the activities, the safeguarding of assets, the prevention and detection of errors, the accuracy and completeness of the accounting records and the preparation of financial information;
  • Supporting the optimization of accounting systems;
  • Introducing indicators and analysis reports, in order to allow the monitoring and evaluation of the management process;
  • Controlling the accounting information for the preparation of balance sheets and income statements for closure of accounts;
  • Support the Quality Management System.



DF - Treasury Sector

The Treasury Sector is responsible for:

  • Carrying out the collection and recording of revenue and the payment of expenditure, duly authorised, in accordance with law;
  • Ensuring coherence between existing information and the information recorded daily;
  • Ensuring the monitoring of transactions in bank accounts;
  • Drawing up the monthly summary of revenue received from various sources of funding for information to the Management Board.




The Stewardship and Heritage Division comprises:

  • Purchasing Management Sector
  • Stock Management Sector
  • Asset Management Sector



DEP – Purchasing Management Sector

The Purchasing Management Sector is responsible for:

  • Preparing and following all the procedures of public procurement, including procurement of goods and services and contracts, ensuring legal compliance procedures;
  • Ensuring the publicity of government procurement in its own website;
  • Controlling the duration of service contracts, ensuring the time needed for its renewal or cancellation;
  • Arranging the procurement of material of general use necessary for the normal functioning of the institution;
  • Keeping the register of multiannual contracts up to date in accordance with the legislation in force.


DEP - Stock Management Sector

The Stock Management Sector is responsible for:

  • The administrative and physical organization of material stocks in general use necessary for the normal functioning of the institution;
  • Planning stock needs;
  • Managing and controlling stocks, in particular the development of the actions of administrative, economic and physical management of stocks;
  • Ensuring the monitoring and evaluation of the goods and the provision of services;
  • Promoting the rationality of orders so as to minimize inventories and cost of ownership of stocks.


DEP - Asset Management Sector

The Asset Management Sector is responsible for:

  • Organizing the registration and maintaining updated registration and inventory of all mobile and immobile assets of UBI, in accordance with applicable law;
  • Promoting processes for elimination or sale of goods, ensuring compliance with the legal requirements;
  • Keeping the heritage inventory up to date.


Last update on: 16/06/2015

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