Bibliografia principal |
Baglione, Lisa M. (2011). Writing a Research Paper in Political Science: A Practical Guide to Inquiry, Structure, and Methods, 2nd Edition. London: Sage.
Becker, Howard (1986). Writing for Social Scientists: How to Start and Finish Your Thesis, Book, or Article, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Hoover, Kenneth & Donovan, Todd (1995). The Elements of Social Science Thinking. London: St. Martin's Press.
Schmidt, Diane E. (2009). Writing in Political Science: A Practical Guide (4th Edition). New York: Pearson-Prentice Hall.
Scott, Gregory M. & Garrison, Stephen M. (2011). The Political Science Student Writer's Manual (7th Edition). New York: Pearson-Prentice Hall.
Shapiro, Ian; Smith, Rogers M.; & Masoud, Tarek E., orgs. (2004). Problems and Methods in the Study of Politics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Shively, W. Phillips (2009). The Craft of Political Research. New York: Pearson-Prentice Hall.