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  3. Departamento de Sociologia
  4. Introduction to Portuguese Society

Introduction to Portuguese Society

Código 13348
Ano 1
Semestre S2
Créditos ECTS 6
Carga Horária OT(15H)/TP(45H)
Área Científica Sociologia
Objectivos de Aprendizagem - For Portuguese students of Sociology the curricular unit will help them to develop an outside
look at Portuguese society and culture; to enlarge their intercultural view; to discuss Portuguese
society in internacional academic environments.
- To introduce Erasmus students to fundamental topics of Portuguese society and culture; to
experiment an intercultural environment with Portuguese students
Conteúdos programáticos - Portuguese History: an overview
- Portuguese music and literature
- Territory. Local and global, past and future.
- Major Demographic changes of XX century and on
- Potuguese Cinema and its audiences
- Dailylife and values.
- Portuguese judicial and welfare systems
- Family, traditions and rituals

End of classes. Final balance and evaluation
Metodologias de Ensino e Critérios de Avaliação The methodological approach is theoretical practical. Throught seminal sessions students are introduced the different. themes. In the practical part of the class they are expected to work actively to their essay and presentation about one or two themes they have choosen. In this part of the class the role of the teacher is to clarify doubts, support their individual work and generate class debate.
Bibliografia principal Barros, S., & Albert, I. (2020). “I feel more Luxembourgish, but Portuguese too” cultural
identities in a multicultural society. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 54(1), 72-
Disney, A. R., (2009), A History of Portugal and the Portuguese Empire: From Beginnings to
1807, Cambridge University Press
Ferrera, M., (2005), Welfare State Reform in Southern Europe: Fighting Poverty and Social
Exclusion in Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece, Routledge
Garcia, Jos et al., (Eds.) (2017), Media and the Portuguese Empire, Palgrave
Gouveia, R. (2014). Personal networks in Portuguese society: A configurational and lifecourse
Kennedy, Hugh (1996), Muslim Spain and Portugal: A Political History of al-Andalus, Routledge
Hespanha, P., Ferreira, C., & Portugal, S. (2018). The welfare society and the welfare state: the
Portuguese experience. In European citizenship and social excl
Língua Português
Data da última atualização: 2024-06-10
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