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  3. Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores
  4. Desenho e Sistemas Gráficos

Desenho e Sistemas Gráficos

Código 8542
Ano 1
Semestre S2
Créditos ECTS 6
Carga Horária T(15H)/TP(45H)
Área Científica Mecânica e Termodinâmica
Mode of delivery Face-to-face, in a specific class-room with intelligent terminals.
Work placements Non-applicable.
Learning outcomes To enable students to implement the knowledge of the Technical Drawing through a Computer Aided Design (CAD) computer application.
After attending this course, students should:
- Have grasped the fundamental concepts of Technical Design;
- To be able to read and interpret a technical drawing correctly;
- To be prepared to carry out the drawings and drawings necessary for the design of new products and
Syllabus The Technical Drawing:
- Graphic Communication;
- Modes of representation;
- The Technical Drawing in the various phases of a project.
Computer Aided Technical Drawing (CAD):
- Evolution of CAD - applications;
- Equipment.
Orthogonal projections
a) Concepts:
- Classification;
- Orthogonal projections: projections of the cube views (multiple views);
- Types of lines.
b) Selection of views:
- Necessary and sufficient views ;
- Views: partial, interrupted and auxiliaries;
- Representations: conventional and simplified.
c) Reading Projections.
Quick perspectives of geométric solids:
- Choice of position;
- Methods of construction;
- Perspective of a circle.
- Dimensioning of special representations;
- Fundamental Aspects;
- Tolerances.
Cuts and Sections
Specific features of the software (SolidWorks):
- Modelling of solids and surfaces;
- Assembly of sets;
- Representation of projections;
- Analysis of Engineering: Introduction to CosmosWorks.
Main Bibliography Required reading:
Title: Desenho Técnico e Sistemas de Representação Gráfica
Author: Hélder Joaquim Dinis Correia
Editor: Universidade da Beira Interior

Recommended reading:
Title: Desenho Técnico Moderno
Authors: Arlindo Silva, Carlos Tavares Ribeiro, João Dias, Luís Sousa
Editor: Lidel – edições técnicas, lda.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Data da última atualização: 2024-03-12
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