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Ficheiro com o nome: startcon20

The University of Beira Interior welcomes the 2nd International Doctorate Students Conference + Lab Workshop in Civil Engineering (STARTCON20) from 24 to 26 of June 2020.

The STARTCON20 aims to provide an international platform for exchanging ideas and presenting the latest achievements in the areas of civil engineering, materials and other similar areas, developed by PhD students. The event will include a workshop and research works poresentations, where young researchers can build up valuable networks for further collaboration. In the last day, a brokerage event will allow students meeting potential cooperation partners from industry and academia and make new contacts for further work.

Speakers can present works in any area of civil engineering and similar, namely building technologies and management, construction materials, energy and sustainable buildings, environmental sanitation, geotechnics, hydraulics and water resources, structures, transports and urban and planning.

We are looking forward to your participation in the STARTCON20 and welcoming you to Portugal!

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