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  2. Conferências e Seminários
  3. 1st International Seminar on Psychogerontology and Geriatrics ACT-ING (Active Aging)
  4. Program


May 20, 2021 (Wednesday)

10:45 a.m. Opening Address

11.00 a.m. Conference:

The New Elderly
João Gorjão Clara, University of Lisbon

Moderator: Assunção Vaz Patto, University of Beira Interior


14.00 p.m. Simposium:

The «new» configurations of aging require innovation and/or «reinvention« of clinical and psychosocial interventions?

Adaptation of Intervention in Pathological Aging During Lockdown
Beatriz Bonete, Miguel Hernandez University, Spain

The importance of the relationship in the intervention with the Elderly
Margarida Pedroso Lima, University of Coimbra

Moderator: Juan Pedro Serrano, University of Castilla-La Mancha


15:45 Free communications Session I

Moderator: Dra. Marli Loureiro, ACES Cova da Beira


17.00 p.m. Conference:

Society Facing the Longevity Revolution
Alexandre Kalache, President of the International Longevity Center, Brazil, Former Director of the Department of Aging and Life Course of the World Health Organization

Moderator: Rosa Marina Afonso, University of Beira Interior


18.30 Conference

Mild Cognitive Impairment: new paths. 
Paulo Bertolucci, Escola Paulista de Medicina, UNIFESP   

Moderator: Assunção Vaz Patto, University of Beira Interior


May 21, 2021 (Friday)


09:30 Conference

WHO conceptual changes on activide aging: advances or setbacks
Rocío Fernandéz Ballesteros, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Moderador: Manuel Loureiro,  Universidade da Beira Interior


11.00 a.m. Conference

The dimension of time throughout life: From Individual to Historical Time
Constança Paúl, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, University of Porto, CINTESIS, Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto

Moderador: Óscar Ribeiro, Universidade de Aveiro, CINTESIS


12.00 Free communications Session II

Moderator: Prof. Ana Rita Sousa Silva, Universidade da Beira Interior e Universidade de Coimbra


14.30 p.m. Simposium

Autonomy and Dignity of the Elderly in Health, Support Services and Society: Principles and Dilemmas

The importance of defending rights in long-term care
Paula Guimarães, Director of Ombudsman for the Associação Mutualista Montepio

Dilemmas in the care of the elderly in nursing homes during the pandemic
Javier Yanguas, Fundación la Caixa for Aubixa Fundazioa

Psychosocial Risk and Adjustment to Aging in Sexual Minorities
Henrique Pereira, University of Beira Interior

Ageism, conspiracy of silence and therapeutic obstinacy: The Geriatric cocktail
Renato Gonçalves,  Centro Hospitalar Universitário da Cova da Beira

Moderator: Pedro Machado dos Santos, ICBAS, CINTESIS


16:30 Free communications Session III

Moderator: Prof.  Sandra Freitas , CINEICC, Universidade de Coimbra e Universidade da Beira Interior 


17:30 Free communications Session IV

Moderator: Dr. Nuno Cardoso Pinto, Universidade da Beira Interior. 


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