Effect of hot calendering on physical properties and water vapor transfer resistance of bacterial cellulose films
V. L. D. Costa, A. P. Costa, M. E. Amaral, C. Oliveira, M. Gama, F. Dourado, and R. M. Simões
Functionalized xylans in the production of xylan-coated paper laminates
Ana Ramosa, Sónia Sousa, Dmitry V. Evtuguinb,c, José A.F. Gamelasd
Synthesis of poly(3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene) coating on textiles by the vapor phase polymerization method
Isabel G Trindade, João Matos, José Lucas, Rui Miguel, Madalena Pereira and Manuel Santos Silva
Design and Evaluation of Novel TextileWearable Systems for the Surveillance of Vital Signals
Isabel G. Trindade, José Machado da Silva, Rui Miguel, Madalena Pereira, José Lucas, Luís Oliveira, Bruno Valentim, Jorge Barreto and Manuel Santos Silva
Incorporation of antimicrobial peptides on functionalized cottongauzes for medical applications
A.P. Gomesa, J.F. Manob,c, J.A. Queirozd, I.C. Gouveia
Immobilization of bacteriophage in wound-dressing nanostructure
Frederico Nogueira, MSca,b, Natia Karumidze, PhDc, Ia Kusradze, PhDc, Marina Goderdzishvili, PhDc, Pilar Teixeira, PhDd, Isabel C. Gouveia, PhDb
The Oxygen Evolution Reaction at Sn-Sb Oxide Anodes: Influence of the Oxide Preparation Mode
D. Santos, A. Lopes, M. J. Pacheco, A. Gomes and L. Ciríaco
Nitrogen and organic load removal from sanitary landfill leachates by anodic oxidation at Ti/Pt/PbO2, Ti/Pt/SnO2-Sb2O4 and Si/BDD
A. Fernandes, D. Santos, M.J. Pacheco, L. Ciríaco, A. Lopes
Sustainable treatment of different high-strength cheese whey wastewaters: an innovative approach for atmospheric CO2 mitigation and fertilizer production
Ana R. Prazeres & Javier Rivas & Úrsula Paulo & Filipa Ruas & Fátima Carvalho
Agricultural reuse of cheese whey wastewater treated by NaOHprecipitation for tomato production under several saline conditionsand sludge management
Ana R. Prazeresa, Javier Rivas, Maria Adelaide Almeida, Manuel Patanita,Jóse Dôres, Fátima Carvalho