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  3. Mário José Baptista Franco
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Mário José Baptista Franco

Professor/a Associado/a com Agregação

Sector — Cargos/Funções

Departamento de Gestão e Economia Docente do Departamento de Gestão e Economia

Publicações Científicas Mais Recentes

(Informação importada da plataforma CiênciaVitae)

    Artigo em conferência/Conference paper

    1. Franco, M.; Esteves, L.; Rodrigues, M.. "Clustering as knowledge and innovation networks in agro-industrial SMEs". 2019.
    2. Franco, M.; Haase, H.. "Organisational innovation in SMEs: The role of partnerships". 2017.
    3. Haase, H.; Franco, M.. "Collective entrepreneurship in health organisations: The influence of leadership". 2017.
    4. Barbeira, M.; Franco, M.; Haase, H.. "Knowledge sharing in networks within the healthcare sector: Measuring knowledge management capabilities". 2012.
    5. Valentim, L.; Lisboa, J.; Franco, M.. "Knowledge management: An empirical study of the absorptive capacity of Portuguese SMEs". 2012.

    Artigo em revista/Journal article

    1. André Gonçalves; Mário Franco. "Health product innovation and circular economy: A case study of inter-organisational cooperation in the development of a new firm". Journal of Cleaner Production (2024) url
    2. José Andrade; Luis Mendes; Mário Franco. "The Effect of Owner-Managers’ Personality Traits on Organisational Ambidexterity in the Context of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises". Sustainability (2024) url
    3. Margarida Rodrigues; Rui Silva; Ana Pinto Borges; Mário Franco; Cidália Oliveira. "Artificial intelligence: threat or asset to academic integrity? A bibliometric analysis". Kybernetes (2024) url
    4. Ana Garcez; Mário Franco. "Effects of Psychological and Cognitive Factors on the Relation between Entrepreneurial Intention and Academic Hazing: Case of the New Students in the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences at the University of Beira - Portugal". Entrepreneurship Research Journal (2023) url
    5. Ana Garcez; Mário Franco; Ricardo Silva. "The influence of the pillars of digital academic entrepreneurship on university students’ entrepreneurial intention". European Journal of Innovation Management (2023) url

    Capítulo de livro/Book chapter

    1. Franco, Mário. "A base dos soft skills no empreendedorismo académico digital face à transformação digital". In Gestão da Informação, Cultura Digital e Lusofonia. Portugal: Universidade do Poto, 2022.
    2. Franco, Mário. "Explorando o empreendedorismo digital na gestão das Pequenas e médias empresas". In Gestão da Informação, Cultura Digital e Lusofonia. Portugal: Universidade do Poto, 2022.
    3. Ana Paula Braga Garcez; Josilene Aires Moreira; Ricardo Moreira Da Silva; Mário Franco; Fernando Bigares Charrua Santos. "Paradox of Firm Theory and Sustainable Development in the Mining Industry: Approximation Through the Managing Leader", 2021.
    4. Franco, M, Rodrigues, M. And Silva, R. . "The Viability of Outsourcing in Organisational Performance: Benefits and Risks". In Outsourcing and Offshoring: InTechopen, 2021.
    5. Franco, Mário. "Paradox of Firm Theory and Sustainable Development in the Mining Industry: Approximation Through the Managing Leader". In Industrial Engineering and Operations Management: Springer, 2021.

    Nota Biográfica

    (Informação importada da plataforma CiênciaVitae)
    Mário Franco is an Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) Administration at the Department of Management and Economics, Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI), Portugal. He received his PhD in Management from UBI in 2002. In 1997, he was a doctoral candidate and participated in the European Doctoral Programme in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management in Barcelona (Spain) and Vaxjo (Sweden). He holds a MA in Management from the UBI and a BA in Management from the same university. His research focuses on entrepreneurship, strategic alliances, inter-organizational networks, innovation, sustainability and business creation. He has authored (or co-authored) more than 200 articles, 20 books and about 42 chapters, including publications in the Long Range Planning, Management Decision, R&D Management, Journal of Environmental Management, Journal of Management & Organization, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, European Journal of Innovation Management, Service Business, Review of Managerial Science, Cities, Journal Cleaner Production, among other. He has also supervised sixty master dissertations, 12 doctoral thesis and has acted as a reviewer/evaluator for more than 30 international scientific journals. He is also a member of a Research Unit (CEFAGE-UBI) and currently involved in several research projects on SMEs.

    Distinções e Prémios

    (Informação importada da plataforma CiênciaVitae)
    2018"¢ Prémio atribuído a tese de Doutoramento em Gestão da Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI), desenvolvida por Vítor Manuel Figueiredo, intitulada: "As Cooperativas como Alianças Estratégicas: Fatores de sucesso para a satisfação dos cooperadores vitiviníc
    2018"¢ Prémio atribuído a Melhor Comunicação, intitulada "A Influência dos Valores Pessoais na Sucessão das Empresas Familiares", da autoria de Mário Franco e Claúdio Camfield. Este trabalho foi apresentado na área de Empresas Familiares, nas XVIII Jornadas Lu
    2017"¢ Prémio atribuído a Melhor Comunicação, intitulada "A Influência das Alianças Estratégicas no Desenvolvimento do Capital Intelectual: um estudo aplicado às PME de base tecnológica", da autoria de Mário Franco e. Este trabalho foi apresentado na 1.ª Confe
    2016"¢ Prémio atribuído a Melhor Comunicação na área de Empresas Familiares, intitulada "Influência das Caracteríticas e dos Traços de Personalidade do Empresário-Fundador no Desempenho das PME Familiares", de Mário Franco e Maria Prata Domingos. Este estudo
    Outra distinção
    2024Researcher in Ranking do World Scientist and University Rankings 2024 - AD Scientific Index 2024
    2023Researcher in Worlds Top 2% Scientists list
    2019"¢ Top Peer Reviewer in the Global Peer Review Awards 2019. For placing in the top 1% of reviewers in Cross-Field on Publons global reviewer database.

    Projectos e Financiamentos

    (Informação importada da plataforma CiênciaVitae)


    Circular, Intelligent and Digital Districts UIDB/04007/2020 (Em curso)
    Desenvolvimento de Ferramentas Multimédia de Diagnóstico de Trabalho para as PME’s Industriais Portuguesas em Geral 015APJ/04 (Concluído)


    GUESSS - Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students Survey UIDB/04007/2020 (Em curso)
    Creative and Sustainable Districts UIDB/04007/2020 (Em curso)
    "Model-Bio Models of Technology Transfer for Development Routes Linked to Bioeconomic Production Chains".  Open Call Mcti/Cnpq Nº 14/2023 (Submetido)

    Mais Info

    • Área/Grupo de Investigação - "Entrepreneurship, Competitiveness and Innovation"



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