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  3. Shin-Ichiro Moriyama
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Shin-Ichiro Moriyama

Sector — Cargos/Funções

Publicações Científicas Mais Recentes

(Informação importada da plataforma CiênciaVitae)

    Artigo em revista/Journal article

    1. Hamamichi, Takeru; Naoi, Kiyotaka; Shigeta, Susumu; Morais, Jorge; Marinho, Daniel Almeida; Moriyama, Shin-Ichiro. "Effect of resisted sled sprint with different loads on running velocity, step frequency, and step length"(2024) url
    2. Morais, J.E.; Barbosa, Tiago M.; Lopes, Tiago J.; Moriyama, Shin-Ichiro; Marinho, D.A. "Comparison of swimming velocity between age-group swimmers through discrete variables and continuous variables by Statistical Parametric Mapping"(2023) url
    3. Moriyama, Shin-Ichiro; Watanabe, Yasunori; Masuda, Kosuke; Toyoda, Yugo; Morais, J.E.; Forte, Pedro; Neiva, Henrique P.; Marinho, D.A. "The impact of assisted swimming on front crawl performance"(2022) url
    4. Marinho, D.A.; Barbosa, Tiago M.; Neiva, Henrique P.; Moriyama, Shin-Ichiro; Silva, A.J.; Morais, J.E. "The effect of the start and finish in the 50 m and 100 m freestyle performance in elite male swimmers"(2021) url
    5. Moriyama, Shin-Ichiro; Watanabe, Yasunori; Kurono, Tsubasa; Morais, J.E.; Marinho, D.A.; Wakssoshi, Kohji. "Effect of additional buoyancy swimsuits on performance of competitive swimmers"(2021) url

    Nota Biográfica

    (Informação importada da plataforma CiênciaVitae)
    Shin-Ichiro Moriyama is an associate professor at the Department of Sports Sciences at the Tokyo Gakugei University (TGU, Japan). He concluded his Ph.D. in Physical Education at the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Kanoya, Japan, with the thesis "Intra-abdominal pressure during swimming" in 2014. As a swimming coach, he has worked in different fields with Elites and beginners, from children to older adults since 2016. From 2002 to 2015, he was a head coach of the swimming team and professor (research assistant, assistant professor, lecturer, and associate professor) at Japan Women’s College of Physical Education, where he developed his coaching skills, especially in top athletes. As a researcher, he has focused on performance development in sports and school. He has contributed to the publication of scientific articles in indexed journals and book chapters, and he is a reviewer in several international journals. His research topic is constructed based on the seamless of practice and theory.



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