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Civil Engineering

 3rd Cycle Degree     Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Arquitetura [Portuguese]

Info Assessment/Accreditation Access About Contacts Coordinator(s) Comissions
Study plan   Civil Engineering


Rótulo Texto
DGES code
CNAEF classification 582 | Decree no. 256/2005 [PT]
Mode of study Daytime/Full-time
ECTS 180



Rótulo Texto
Assessment/Accreditation/Registration A3ES Accreditation, 16-11-2019
Self-assessment Report
Initial registry: R/A-Ef 168/2012 de 16-07-2012
Changes registry: R/A-Ef 168/2012/AL01, 10-10-2017 | R/A-Ef 168/2012/AL02, 19-06-2020
Publication in the Portuguese Official Gazette Order no. 6957/2022 | DR 2nd series, no. 105, 31st may

General Access Regime  

Label Texto
Admission Requirements
Vacancies 20 (2024)


Label Texto
Profile of the programme The study course leading to a doctoral degree in Civil Engineering aims to train researchers in the field of Civil Engineering, with high scientific qualification and ability to develop research work independently, designed for the university environment, and for the environment business. It is intended that a PhD in civil engineering, after achieve their specialized training, can continue to develop, and apply the knowledge gained in their research work, either in industry and in the institutions of R & D, resulting thus in capital gains, contributing significantly to the development and internationalization of scientific research and technological development. In addition to the above objectives, we intend to further contribute to the internationalization of science produced in Portugal and the technical development.
Regarding the normative order No. 45/2008 of 21 August, which approves the statutes of the University of Beira Interior (UBI), the mission of this university is to promote high-level qualification and production, transmission, and dissemination of knowledge, culture, science and technology through the study, teaching and research.
Key learning outcomes The doctoral program presented here, are in accordance with the skills that are presented in Portuguese Law No. 74/2006 of 03/24/2006, Article 28, 1:
a) Ability to a systematic understanding of a scientific field of study;
b) Skills and investigation methods associated with a scientific field;
c) Ability to design, project, adapt and carry out a significant research respecting the requirements imposed by the standards of academic quality and integrity;
d) Have completed a significant amount of original research work;
e) Able to critically analyze, evaluating and to synthesize new and complex ideas;
f) Able to communicate with their peers, the academic community and society in general about the area in which they specialize;
g) Able to, in a society based on knowledge, to promote the academic or professional, technological progress, social and cultural.
Occupational profiles of graduates The graduates obtained employment in areas of activity related with:

- Research laboratories;
- Higher education;
- Public institutions, enterprises and businesses.
Learning facilities The Civil Engineering and Architecture Department and the R&D unit "Centre for Materials and Building Technologies - CMADE", in recent years gave great importance to the implementation of tools for supporting the learning, scientific and technological research, existing excellent equipped Laboratories, which encompass all areas of civil engineering.
The University support the Department and its educational and research activities with a general Library and the Optical Center.
Requirements and regulations (assessment and graduation) UBI Regulations [PT]

Erasmus+ Agreements

Erasmus Agreements
  • Univerza v Mariboru • Eslovénia • Duration: S
  • Uniwersytet Zielonogórski • Polónia • Duration: S

Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Arquitetura

Calçada Fonte do Lameiro
6201-001 Covilhã
275 329 969

Course Coordinator(s)

 [Ficheiro Local]
Course Director
João Castro Gomes
 [Ficheiro Local]
Mobility coordinator
Cristina Maria Sena Fael


Scientific Committee
João Paulo de Castro Gomes
Clemente Martins Pinto
Cristina Maria Sena Fael
Isabel Fonseca Gonçalves Falorca
Marisa Sofia Fernandes Dinis de Almeida

Recognition Committee
João Paulo de Castro Gomes
Clemente Martins Pinto
Isabel Fonseca Gonçalves Falorca
Cristina Maria Sena Fael
Note: The information contained in these pages does not relieve consultation of official documents. Last updated on: 2019-08-01

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