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  3. João Castro Gomes
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João Castro Gomes

Professor/a Catedrático/a

Sector — Cargos/Funções

C-MADE | Centre of Materials and Civil Engineering for Sustainability Coordenador/a do C-MADE - Center of Materials and Building Technologies

Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Arquitetura Docente do Departamento de Civil e Arquitetura

Diretor/a do(s) curso(s)

Publicações Científicas Mais Recentes

(Informação importada da plataforma CiênciaVitae)

    Artigo em conferência/Conference paper

    1. Erick Grünhäuser Soares; Castro-Gomes, João; Manuel Magrinho. "The Influence of Casting Static Compaction Pressure on Carbonated Reactive Magnesia Cement (CRMC)-Based Mortars". 2023.
    2. Sitarz, Mateusz; Zdeb, Tomasz; Castro-Gomes, João; Grünhäuser Soares, Erick; Hager, Izabela. Autor correspondente: Sitarz, Mateusz. "The immobilisation of heavy metals from sewage sludge ash in geopolymer mortars". 2020.
    3. Beghoura, Imed; Castro-Gomes, João. "Development of Alkali-activated Foamed Lightweight Mortar Tungsten Mining Waste Mud-based Incorporating Expanded Cork". 2020.
    4. Benhamouda, Abdelhakim; Castro-Gomes, João. "Preliminary Study of the Rheological and Mechanical Properties of Alkali-activated Concrete Based on Tungsten Mining Waste Mud". 2020.
    5. Grünhäuser Soares, Erick; Castro-Gomes, João. "Preliminary Study on the Influence of Different Carbonation Curing Processes on Binders Based on Magnesium Oxide-Rich Powder Blended with Tungsten Mining Waste Mud". 2020.

    Artigo em revista/Journal article

    1. Ma Paz Sáez-Pérez; Jorge A. Durán-Suárez; Joao Castro-Gomes. "Study of the correlation of the mechanical resistance properties of Macael white marble using destructive and non-destructive techniques". Construction and Building Materials (2024) url
    2. María Paz Sáez-Pérez; Luisa María Garcia Ruiz; Jorge A. Durán-Suárez; Joao Castro-Gomes; Alberto Martinez-Ramirez; María Ángeles Villegas-Broncano. "Comparative Analysis of Thermal Behavior in Different Seasons in Building Heritage: Case Study of the Royal Hospital of Granada". Buildings (2023) url
    3. Shuqiong Luo; Zhuangzhuang Jiang; Minghui Zhao; Lei Yang; Castro-Gomes, João; Shihua Wei; Tangwei Mi. "Microwave hydrothermal synthesis of tobermorite for the solidification of iron". Case Studies in Construction Materials (2023) url
    4. Barbara Kozub; João Castro-Gomes. "An Investigation of the Ground Walnut Shells Addition Effect on the Properties of the Fly Ash-Based Geopolymer". Materials (2022) url
    5. Grünhäuser Soares, Erick; Castro-Gomes, João. "The role of biomass bottom ash in Carbonated Reactive Magnesia Cement (CRMC) for CO2 mineralisation". Journal of Cleaner Production (2022) url

    Capítulo de livro/Book chapter

    1. Gorski, M.; Krzywon, R.; Castro-Gomes, J. P. "FRP Composites". In Handbook - Fibrous compostie materials in strengthening of structures, 40-49. Portugal: Universidade da Beira Interior, C-MADE (Centre of Materials and Building Technoloiges), 2016.
    2. Górski, M.; Krzywon, R.; Castro-Gomes, João. "Rules for FRP strengthening shaping". In Handbook - Fibrous compostie materials in strengthening of structures, 122-135. Polónia: Universidade da Beira Interior. C-MADE (Centre of Materials and Building Technoloiges), 2016.
    3. Castro-Gomes, João. "The contribution of a double ventilated window to the energy efficiency of a building". In Environmental and Agricultural Researcher Biographical Sketches and Research Summaries. Volume 1. Estados Unidos: Nova Science Publishers, 2011.
    4. Pacheco-Torgal, F.; Jalali, S.; Castro-Gomes, J. P. "Utilization of mining wastes to produce geopolymer binders". In Geopolymers, 267-293: Elsevier, 2009.


    1. Process for obtaining CaO-MgO binders and construction products with reuse of subproducts and/or residues and absorption of carbon dioxide
      Número: 110895
      Proprietário: Universidade da Beira Interior
      Estado: Concedida/Emitida
      Data de Emissão: 2020-03-02
    2. Sistema de peças modulares para execução de superficies ajardinadas com capacidade de melhorar termicamente a envolvente edificada
      Número: 109260
      Proprietário: Universidade da Beira Interior
      Estado: Concedida/Emitida
      Data de Emissão: 2017-09-28
    3. Agregados leves impregnados por imersão com materiais de mudança de fase e selagem superficial por molhagem com revestimentos à prova de água
      Número: 108276
      Proprietário: Universidade da Beira Interior
      Estado: Concedida/Emitida
      Data de Emissão: 2016-09-12
    4. Conjunto acoplável de peças modulares para execução de superfícies ajardinadas
      Número: PT106022 (A)
      Proprietário: Universidade da Beira Interior
      Estado: Concedida/Emitida
      Data de Emissão: 2013-07-03

    Nota Biográfica

    (Informação importada da plataforma CiênciaVitae)
    João Castro Gomes, a Professor at the University of Beira Interior (UBI) and leader of the Centre of Materials and Building Technologies Research Unit since January 2007, has significantly advanced the field of sustainable construction materials. Graduating from the University of Minho with a degree in Civil Engineering and completing his PhD at the University of Leeds in 1997, João has developed eco-materials through waste and carbon dioxide co-utilization. His pioneering work in reducing the construction industry's carbon footprint has earned him several awards. João's commitment to sustainability extends to education and mentorship, emphasising the importance of scientific careers in global sustainability.

    Distinções e Prémios

    (Informação importada da plataforma CiênciaVitae)
    2022Award in the Born for Knowledge National Contest with the BoB - Building Out of the Box project, developed by students from the University of Beira Interior (UBI), Pedro Silva and Bruno Gomes, and mentored by João Castro Gomes - Agência Nacional de Inovação SA, Porto, Porto, Portugal
    2021Korea Resources Recycling Association 2021 awarded the Almonty Korea Tungsten Corporation and the National University of Seoul for a novel mine waste recycling solution supported by João Castro Gomes - Korea Resources Corporation (KORES), Gangwon-do, South Korea, Coreia do Sul
    20201st Prize awarded by TAKE-OFF Project - Building Global Technology Entrepreneurs for Advanced Materials given to DARKCO2 business idea, developed by João Castro Gomes. - TAKE-OFF Project - Building Global Technology Entrepreneurs for Advanced Materials, Aveiro, Averio, Portugal
    2019Winner idea within- Promove Regiões Fronteiriças/Promoting Border Regions - 2019 edition, supported by the La Caixa Foundation / BPI with the CO2LLECT project "selected idea" - proposal developed by Janine Ayoub, Mantas Sevelkovas, and João Castro Gomes - La Caixa Foundation / BPI, Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
    20181st Prize Climatelaunchpad Global Grand Final and Sustainable Production Systems theme Award Climatelaunchpad (2018). Awards given to eCO2blocks idea (best green business idea out of 135), developed by João Castro Gomes and Pedro Humbert.
    20181st Prize Manuel António da Mota Award (2018). Awarded to UBI for eCO2blocks idea/project for developing a pilot production of building blocks obtained with industrial waste, without using potable water, with high absorption of CO2.
    20181st Prize Award CEBT Ibérico at Universidade da Beira Interior (2018). Award given to GEOGREEN testbed project developed by João Castro Gomes and Maria Manso. CEBT Ibérico is supported by INESPO III (Innovation Network Spain-Portugal).
    Outra distinção
    2016Top 10th Paper: The paper entitled: Energy saving potential of cement based mortar containing hybrid phase change materials applied in building envelopes by M. Kheradmand, M.Azenha, J. Castro-Gomes, and J. Aguiar
    20122nd best paper at the International Workshop on Environmental and Alternative Energy organized by NASA (2012). Awarded to Maria Manso and João Castro Gomes. - NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, Estados Unidos

    Prémios Recebidos

    Projectos e Financiamentos

    (Informação importada da plataforma CiênciaVitae)


    Mathematical Models for Assessing Hydration and Microstructure of Cement Pastes PRAXIS XXI/BD/3931/94 (Concluído)


    CSTO2NE- Biomimicry and carbon adsorbent eco-materials for a climate-neutral economy 101086302
    RuralTHINGS Project - Intelligence in Monitoring Health and Well-being in Remote Areas with IoT Promove - Projetos I&D Mobilizadores 2023 PD23-00006
    Eco-efficient recycled cement compressed earth blocks PTDC/ECI-CON/0704/2021 (Em curso)
    Iron mining and metallurgy residues as binders and alternative aggregates in AAC (Alkali-Activated Materials) Processo: 316882/2021-6



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