Code |
Year |
Semester |
ECTS Credits |
Workload |
Scientific area |
Biomedical Sciences
Entry requirements |
Not appliable
Mode of delivery |
Work placements |
Not appliable
Learning outcomes |
This course is intended to deepen the student’s knowledge in Biology of Reproduction following the recent developments in this scientific area. At the end of the course students should be able to: -Explain the different aspects of human reproductive biology -Apply the acquired knowledge solving problems -Demonstrate critical thinking -Demonstrate ability to work in-group -Analyze and discuss scientific articles in English -Perform experimental procedures in cell culture and molecular biology laboratories -Use bioinformatic tools for analysis of RNA and protein sequences in practical contexts -Collect and organize scientific information -To plan an experimental protocol -Write a scientific project independently, present and discuss it orally in Portuguese
Syllabus |
OVARIAN AND MENSTRUAL CYCLE 1. Oogenesis 2. Ovarian endocrinology 3. Menstrual cycle TESTICULAR FUNCTION 1. Spermatogenesis 2. Sertoli cells 3. Hormonal control 4. Other regulatory factors PUBERTY AND REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM SENESCENCE 1. "Timing" of Puberty 2. Changes of Puberty 3. Molecular mechanisms of Puberty 4. Andropause 5. Menopause FERTILIZATION 1. Physiology of semen 2. Fertilization 3. Implementation and placentaI development ASSISTED REPRODUCTION AND INFERTILITY 1. Female and male infertility and sub-fertility 2. Extrinsic factors on the basis of infertility 3. Assisted reproductive techniques 4. The role of stem cells PRACTICAL AND LABORATORIAL ACTIVITITES - Histo-functional analysis of the human testis - Culture of rat seminiferous tubules and spermatogonial cells, and expression of survival/apoptosis markers - Bioinformatic analysis of human androgen receptor - Preparation of a mini-research project.
Main Bibliography |
BOOKS Richard EJ & Kristin HL (Auth.) (2014) Human Reproductive Biology, Academic Press - Socorro S (Ed.) (2014) Androgen Receptor: Structural Biology, Genetics and Molecular Defects. Nova Science Publishers
PAPERS Carreau S et al (2010). Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 365(1546):1517-35 Colledge WH et al (2010). Mol Cell Endocrinol 324 (1-2): 12–20 Hamada A et al. (2011) The Open Reproductive Science Journal, 3, 27-41 Ikawa M et al (2010). J Clin Invest. 120 (4):984-94 Laurentino S et al (2009). Syst Biol Reprod Med. 55 (4): 137-44 Laurentino S et al (2012) Mol Hum Rep 18(4): 161-170 O’Shaughnessy et al (2009). Mol. Cell. Endocrinol. 306: 2–8 Reddy et al (2009). Trends Endocrinol and Metab 21 (2): 96-103 Sharpe RM et al (2003). Reproduction 125, 769–784 Toppari J et al (2010) Mol Cell Endocrinol. 324 (1-2):39-44 Tsafriri A et al S (2007) Trends Endocrinol and Metab 18 (8): 321-328 Walters KA et al (2008) Biol Rep. 78: 380–389 Zhou X (2010). J Androl. 31 (3):235-43
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.