Code |
Year |
Semester |
ECTS Credits |
Workload |
Scientific area |
Health Sciences
Entry requirements |
Not required.
Mode of delivery |
Learning outcomes |
This UC aims to develop knowledge of the concept of sports injury, its etiology, causalities and main preventive methods in different contexts and sports modalities and to develop theoretical and practical knowledge about basic life support. - Recognizes major types of sports injuries and their signs of seriousness - Identifies the main risk factors for sports injuries, enunciating preventive measures in different contexts of practice -Understands different casualties of sports injuries, their relationship with the state of fatigue and the importance of the trainer-athlete-medical triad in the prevention, identification, treatment and recovery of sports injuries -Know the main risks of injury in different sports, describing some preventive measures in the framework of the training process. Knows how to apply first aid, recognizes cardio-respiratory arrest and knows how to start life support and ask for differentiated help
Syllabus |
1. Sports injury: a. The. Injury concepts and types b. Basic injury mechanisms c. Risk factors for sports injuries d. Sports injuries and fatigue states - their psychological and nutritional causality and. e. Main means and methods of recovery in sporting activity f. The doctor-athlete-trainer relationship in sports injuries g. The typical injuries of the athlete in different sports h. Injury prevention in different modalities
2. First aid and Basic Life Support: a.The. Integrated Medical Emergency System b. First aid c. Examination of the victim d. Airway obstruction e. Heart attack f. Hemorrhage g. more frequent traumatic lesions
Main Bibliography |
Horta L. Prevenção de Lesões no Desporto, Texto Editores (1ª Edição). Lisboa, 2011. Manual da AHA do curso de primeiros socorros e suporte de vida
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
Classes will consist of theoretical and practical sessions. Some of an expository nature, in which all the component inherent to “knowing” as content is gathered, accompanied by examples of situations and or studies of an experimental nature in the area in question. These sessions may be accompanied by students using the bibliography. The remaining theoretical-practical classes will be used to consolidate the theoretical aspects covered, using videos and the discussion of texts to promote debate and reflection on study topics. In these sessions students will have the opportunity to develop operational skills. Students will have to deepen and apply knowledge through group work It is part of the curricular unit to attend a first aid course and basic life support provided by the FCS Skills Laboratory according to the methodology of the American Heart Association
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.