Learning outcomes |
This curricular unit aims to provide a wider perspective of the marketing management, in the current context, as well as to indicate how to design the marketing concepts and implement the adequate tools at the marketing mix level. In general terms, it is hoped that students could develop a refined critical sense, generate new ideas and be creative, learn to work in group and develop abilities to solve marketing problems in organisations. Specifically, it is intended that the student defends the importance of the Marketing function in a organisation; that he/she will be able to clearly distinguish the strategic and the operational functions; and that he/she knows to apply the acquired knowledge about the marketing mix, to simulate the implementation of a plan including the product, price, distribution and communication.
Main Bibliography |
Baynast, A., Lendrevie, J., Lévy, J., Dionísio, P., Rodrigues, V. (2018). Mercator 25 Anos - O Marketing na Era Digital. Ed. Dom Quixote. Cannon, J., Perreault Jr., W., McCarthy, J. (2008). Basic Marketing, 16ª ed., McGraw-Hill. Etzel, M., Walker, B., Stanton, W. (2007). Marketing, 14ª ed., McGraw-Hill. Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., (2009). Principles of Marketing, 13ª ed., Prentice-Hall. Kotler, P., Keller, K.L. (2006). Administração de Marketing, 12ª ed., Prentice Hall. Kotler P., Keller, K.L. (2016). Marketing Management, 15ª ed., Upper Saddle River, Pearson Education. Lindon, D., Lendrevie, J., Lévy, J., Dionísio, P., Rodrigues, J. (2015). Mercator XXI – Teoria e prática do marketing. Dom Quixote.