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  4. Advertising and Public Relations Workshop

Advertising and Public Relations Workshop

Code 14699
Year 3
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 12
Workload OT(15H)/TP(90H)
Scientific area Communication Sciences
Entry requirements Not applied
Mode of delivery Face to face
Work placements This signature enables students to perform internships in advertising agencies, communication agencies and PR corporate departments
Learning outcomes The objectives of the course are: To consolidate the theoretical knowledge acquired in the subjects of Advertising and Public Relations; to stimulate students' abilities to design advertising and public relations strategies; to develop students' creativity in the graphic, audiovisual and editorial realization of strategies.
Students should demonstrate the ability to interpret and relate information about communication in the areas of advertising and public relations, without neglecting the theoretical and practical aspects of creating and implementing campaigns.
Syllabus Advertising Module

- Advertising vs. Public Relations: concepts, specificities and intersections
- Digital/online advertising and traditional advertising
- Identity, image, brand, positioning and reputation
- Languages, narratives, creativity, brand storytelling/narrative creation
- Planning advertising campaigns and media for digital/online advertising
- Briefing: objectives and elements
- Account/client management, copywriting and creative direction
- Specialized companies: communication agencies vs. advertising agencies
- Analysis and discussion of/about advertisements and advertising campaigns; application exercises
- Advertising project and portfolio: advertising campaign for an event (UBIMedia Communication Days 2024)

Public Relations Module

Strategic PR planning
Communication strategies
From diagnosis to strategy
From tactics to evaluation
PR project
Public event
Main Bibliography AIREY, David (2010). Logo Design Love – A Guide To Creating Iconic Brand Identities. Berkeley, Califeley,: New Riders.

ALLEN, J.; O`Toole, W.; McDonnell, I. Harris, R. (2003). Organização e Gestão de Eventos, Rio de Janeiro: Editora Campus.

ALSTIEL, T., & GROW, J. (2010). Advertising creative - advertising, copy + design. Thousand Oaks, California, US: Sage.

BUDELMANN, K., YANG, K., WOZNIAK, C. (2010). Brand Identity Essentials: 100 principles for designing logos and building brands. Beverly, Massachussets, US: Rockport Publishers

KUNSCH, Margarida (2006). Planejamento e gestão estratégica de relações públicas nas organizações contemporâneas. UNIrevista, vol 1 (3)

LAERMER, Richard & SIMMONS, Mark (2008). Punk Marketing: Junta-te e RevoluR, [2007]. Alfragide, Portugal: Lua de Papel – Leya

MILOSEVIC, Marija (30 de Maio de 2014). When a brand is iconic, words are not required. In Branding Magazine. Disponível em:

PEDRO, F.; Caetano, J.; Chistiani. K.; Rasquilha, L. (2005), Gestão de Eventos, Lisboa: ed. Quimera.

PINK, Daniel H. (2005). A whole new mind. why right-brainers will rule the future. Nova Iorque, NI, Riverhead Books, Berkeley Publishing, Penguin Books.

PUHL, P. Regina (2008). Contexto e Práticas de Comunicação social. Novo Hamburgo: Edições Feevale

RIBEIRO, Vasco (2015). Assessoria de Imprensa: Fundamentos teóricos e práticos. São Paulo: Novas Edições Académicas.

VOLLI, Ugo (2003). Semiótica Da Publicidade – A Criação Do Texto Publicitário. Lisboa: Edições 70

Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-03-04

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