Syllabus |
Evolution of Geographic Information Science. Geographic Information Systems. Geographical reference systems: coordinate systems; geoid concept; ellipsoidal geodetic systems; global and local datum; cartographic projections and coordinate transformation. Image and geographical data models: vector and raster. Geographical database (GDB): fundamentals; hierarchical, network and relational data models; operations in GBD; database management systems. Graphic and alphanumeric data acquisition and processing: data type; public data; joining, structuring and export / output data; quality analysis. Vector spatial analysis basic operations: measurements, inquiries, neighbourhood analysis, overlapping. Graphical representation of georeferenced information. Remote sensing and digital terrain models. WebGIS, mobile GIS and process automation. BIM. Stereo Imaging and laser scanning 3D imaging systems. Case studies for Architecture.
Main Bibliography |
Matos J., 2011, Fund. de Inf. Geográfica. 6ª ed. Lisboa, Lidel. Cosme, A., 2012, Projeto em SIG. Lisboa, Lidel. Cavaleiro V., Almeida P.G., Santos B., Riscado J., Gonçalves J., 2015, Sebenta de apoio às aulas TP: ArcGis 10.x, UBI ESRI, 2015, The ArcGis Book, ESRI Press, California. ( Heywood I., et. al., 2011, An Introduction to GIS Chang, K., 2012, Introduction to GIS, 6th ed., MacGraw-Hill Longley P., et al., 2010, GIS and Science, 3rd ed., John Wiley & Son Law M., Collins A., 2015. Getting to Know ArcGIS. 4th edition. ESRI Press, 2015. Bolstad P. 2016. GIS Fundamentals: A First Text on GIS. 5th edition. XanEdu Publishing Inc, 2016.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
This curricular unit lasts one semester, involving 60h of contact with the teacher, 70h of autonomous work and 10h for evaluation (total: 140h). Approval on the curricular unit gives the student 5 ECTS credits. The contact hours are organized as follows: - 15h of theoretical classes (T), where the theoretical program content are exposed. - 45h of laboratory practical classes (PL), where the programmatic contents are applied through supervised works. Students also perform a practical application with high degree of autonomous work using all acquired skills during the semester