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  4. Biosafety and Occupational Hygiene

Biosafety and Occupational Hygiene

Code 15864
Year 3
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 6
Workload TP(60H)
Scientific area Biotecnologia
Entry requirements there is none
Learning outcomes - Provide students with a set of interdisciplinary knowledge in areas such as biosafety, occupational safety and hygiene, and systems certification.
- Acquire knowledge about the legal rights/obligations of employers and workers in matters related to safety and health at work.
- provide students with knowledge about the OHSAS 18001:2007 standard
- acquire knowledge about biosafety in laboratories related to biological hazards, as well as prevention and elimination strategies.
- provide students with knowledge about occupational toxicology, biological effects of radiation and physical risks.
. provide students with knowledge about the ISO 9001: 2008 standard
Syllabus Concept and definition of Biosafety. Organizational Aspects of the Hygiene and
OHSAS 18001 security.
Risk analysis. Classification of work accidents. Individual protection equipment.
Biosafety in laboratories. Biological risk assessment. Biosafety Laboratories-CSB.
Biological protection concepts in the laboratory. Biological contaminants. Classification of agents
biological hazards and biological hazard classes. Contamination pathways; prevention strategies; activities
professionals subject to biological exposure. Laboratory hazards caused by bacteria and viruses.
Biosafety in animal experimentation.
Chemical Contamination - Classification of chemical agents. General notions of toxicology.Concept of
dose and dose-response relationship. Ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. Physical risks.
Introduction to quality management. Interpretation and implementation of ISO 9001: 2008. Management by
Law Suit.
Audits. Statistical process control
Main Bibliography 1. Bibliografia principal
* Manual de segurança biológica em laboratório, Organização Mundial de Saúde, 3ª Edição.
* Applied Biosafety – Journal of the American Biological Safety Association.
* Manual de Higiene e Segurança do Trabalho, Miguel, Alberto. S.S. R., Porto Editora, 10ª Edição, 2007.
*- Higiene, Segurança, Saúde e Prevenção de Acidentes de Trabalho, 30ª actualização, Verlag Dashöfer, Lisboa, 2008.
* Qualidade – Sistemas de gestão de qualidade, Pires, A.R., Edições Sílabo, 3ª Edição, 2004.

2. Bibliografia complementar
* Aulas on-line:
* Biossegurança em Biotecnologia, Pedro Canisio Binsfeld, Editora Interciência, 1ª Edição, 2004.
* Biossegurança em laboratórios biomédicos e de microbiologia, edts J.Y. Richmond, R.W.Mckinney;
trad.A. Santos, M.Millington, M. Althoff, Brasília, 2000.
* Toxicology – The Basic Science of Poisons (algumas sub-seções de capitulos), Casarett and Doull’s, McGraw-Hill, 6ª Edição, 2001
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-01-15

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