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  3. Maria Emilia da Costa Cabral Amaral
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Maria Emilia da Costa Cabral Amaral

Professor/a Auxiliar

Sector — Cargos/Funções

Departamento de Química Docente do Departamento de Química

FibEnTech - Fiber Materials and Environmental Technologies Investigador/a FibEnTech - Materiais Fibrosos e Tecnologias Ambientais

Diretor/a do(s) curso(s)

Mais Info

Principais áreas de interesse científico:

  • Reciclagem do papel vs modificação da superfície
  • Biotecnologia aplicada à indústria de pasta e papel
  • Compostos bioactivos obtidos a partir de plantas
  • Biocombustíveis a partir de resíduos florestais (pré-tratamento físico-químico)


Publicações mais relevantes:

  • Gil, N., Ferreira, S., Amaral, M. E., Domingues, F., Duarte, A. P., ”The influence of dilute acid pretreatment conditions on the enzymatic hydrolysis of Erica spp. for bioethanol production”, Industrial Crops and Products, 32, 29-35, 2010
  • Gil, N., Gil, C., Amaral, M. E., Costa, A. P., Duarte, A. P., ”Using enzymes to improve the refining of a bleached Eucalyptus globulus kraft pulp”, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 46, 89-95, 2009.
  • Nuno Gil, Fernanda Domingues, M. Emília Amaral, Ana Paula Duarte, “A Carqueja como Fonte de Açúcares Fermentáveis em Etanol”, 6º Encontro Nacional de Cromatografia (ISBN 978-972-789-302-7), 2009.
  • Santos, A., Amaral, M. E., Vaz, A., Anjos, O., Simões, R., “Effect of  Eucalyptus globulus wood density on papermaking potential ”, Tappi Journal,  Vol. 7(5), 25-32, 2008.
  • Gil N., Domingues F.C., Amaral M.E., Duarte A.P., “Chemical Composition and Acid Pretreatment of Cytisus Striatus and Cistus Ladanifer for Bioethanol Production”, Proceedings of the Bioenergy: Challenges and Opportunities, Vol. I (ISBN 978-989-20-0741-0), 2008.
  • P. Baptista, C. Gil, M. E. Amaral, F. Domingues, A.P. Duarte, “Antioxidant Activity of Forest Residues Extracts”, Revista Portuguesa de Farmácia, Volume LII (nº3) Suplemento (ISSN 0484-811 X), 2008.
  • Batista P., Gil C., Amaral M.E., Domingues F., Duarte AP, “Influence of extraction conditions on flavonoid from different Portuguese forest residues”, Book of Abstracts of CHEMPOR 2008 - 10th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference (ISBN: 978-972-97810-4-9), 2008.
  • Abrantes, S., Amaral, M. E., Costa, A.P., Shatalov, A., Duarte, A. P. “Hydrogen peroxide bleaching of Arundo donax L. kraft-anthraquinone pulp – Effect of a chelating stage”, Industrial Crops and Products, 25, 288-293, 2007.
  • Abrantes, S., Amaral, M.E., Costa, A.P., Duarte, A.P. “Cynara cardunculus L. alkaline pulps: alternative fibres for paper and paperboard production”, Bioresource Technology, 98, 2873-2878, 2007.
  • Abrantes, S., Amaral, M.E., Costa, A.P., Shatalov, A., Duarte, A.P.,”Evaluation of giant reed as a raw-material for paper production”, Appita Journal, 50(5), 410-415, 2007.
  • Abrantes, S., Amaral, E., Costa, A.P., Shatalov, A., Duarte, A.P., “Giant reed pulps-bleaching studies and papermaking characterisation. A comparative study with an industrial bleached eucalypt pulp” III Congresso Iberoamericano de Investigación en Celulosa y Papel, CIADICYP (ISBN : 84-7498-504-8),  2004.
  • Pinto, R., Amaral, E., Costa, A.P., Gama, M., Duarte, A.P., “Improving papermaking with cellulose-binding domains”, III Congresso Iberoamericano de Investigación en Celulosa y Papel, CYADICYP (ISBN : 84-7498-504-8), 2004.
  • Antunes A., Amaral E., Belgacem M. N. “Pulp and Paper Properties from Cynara Cardunculus, L.”, Cellulose Chemistry and Technology, 37, 3-4, p.239-284, 2003.
  • Antunes A., Amaral E., Belgacem M. N. “Cynara Cardunculus L.: chemical composition and soda-anthraquinone cooking”, Industrial Crops and Products, 12, pp. 85-91, 2000.



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