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  3. Técnico Superior de Segurança no Trabalho
  4. Statistics and Reliability

Statistics and Reliability

Code 16165
Year 1
Semester L0
ECTS Credits 2
Workload T(10H)/TP(10H)
Scientific area Engenharia e Gestão Industrial
Entry requirements N.A.
Learning outcomes The objectives of the course unit "Statistics and Reliability" are to provide students with the necessary information to understand and analyse the applicability of statistics in organisations, and to acquire the basis for the practice of statistical analysis of failure. The skills to be developed are to understand different notions of Descriptive Statistics and Inductive Statistics, identify and apply them in practical cases, internalize the concept of reliability of a system and learn to determine the probability of failures associated with equipment and systems.
Syllabus Sample collection, analysis and classification
Statistical treatment of samples
Confidence intervals
Reliability concept
Probability of equipment and system failures (series and parallel)
Main Bibliography Assis, R., Manutenção Centrada na Fiabilidade, Lisboa, 1997, Lidel;
Guimarães, R., Sarsfield Cabral, J.A., Estatística, 1999, McGraw-Hill;
Meyer, P. L., Probabilidade, Aplicações à Estatística, Rio de Janeiro, 1983, Livros Técnicos e Científicos;
Fogliatto, F., Ribeiro, J., Confiabilidade e Manutenção Industrial - Rio de Janeiro, 2011, Elsevier Editora Ltda.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2023-01-19

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