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  3. Técnico Superior de Segurança no Trabalho
  4. General Workplace Practice

General Workplace Practice

Code 16178
Year 1
Semester L0
ECTS Credits 14
Workload E(238H)/TP(14H)
Scientific area Engenharia e Gestão Industrial
Entry requirements N.A.
Learning outcomes Practical training in a real work context in which we seek to apply the knowledge acquired in prevention activities and protection against occupational risks.
Syllabus The practical training will include the following activities:
- Planning and implementing the company's prevention management system
- Conceive/describe, program and develop prevention and protection measures
- Coordinate, technically, the activities of safety and hygiene at work
- Participate in the organization of work
- Manage the process of using external resources in prevention and protection activities
- Ensure the organization of the documentation necessary for the management of prevention in the company
- Promote the information and training of workers and others involved in the workplace
- Promote the integration of prevention in the company's communication systems, preparing and making available the necessary specific information
- Stimulate processes of consultation and participation of the workers
Main Bibliography Provided along the course.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2023-01-19

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