Learning outcomes |
Understand the State-of-the-art of theories, methods and techniques of consumer research and see how these methods and techniques have been applied in researches in academic and business to help developing research projects in the area of consumer behavior. At the end of the course the student should be able to: - Understand the scope of the scientific field of consumer behaviour, its main scientific bases and links to other disciplines, relevance for marketing and strategy, its major fields of analysis, most relevant theoretical topics and methodological approaches; - Know the recent advances in research and relevant areas of reflection, in particular fields of consumer behaviour research; - Use the theoretical models and constructs to understand consumer behaviour in culturally distinct and globalized markets.
Main Bibliography |
Assael, Henry (2003) Consumer Behavior: A Strategic Approach, South-Western College Pub; Blackwell, Roger D.; Miniard, Paul W.; Engel, James F. (2005) Consumer Behavior, South-Western College Pub de Mooij, Marieke (2003), Consumer Behavior and Culture Consequences for Global Marketing and Advertising Sage Underhill, Paco (2000). Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping, Simon & Schuster. Arnould, Eric; Price, Linda; Zinkhan , George M. (2004), Consumer Behavior, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, Foxall, Gordon R.; Goldsmith , Ronald E.; Brown, Stephen (2005) Consumer Psychology for Marketing, London and New York: International Thompson Business Press. Schiffman, Leon G. ; Kanuk, Leslie Lazar (2009) Consumer Behaviour, Pearson/ Prentice Hall, Solomon, Michael R., Gary Barmossy and Soren Askegaard (2005), Consumer Behaviour: A European Perspective, Financial Times/Prentice Hall. Usunier, Jean-Claude and Julie Anne Lee (2005), Marketing Across Cultures, FT Prentice Hall.