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Architecture, Infrastructure and Incremental Housing for Crisis

Formação Contínua     Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Arquitetura

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Plano Nome
Plano de Estudos   Architecture, Infrastructure and Incremental Housing for Crisis


Rótulo Texto
Regime de estudos 218 horas, 30 ECTS
Outras Informações Course Seriation Criteria
Course Poster
Course Calendar
Rótulo Texto

Regime Geral de Acesso  


Rótulo Texto
Objetivos This short master qualifies professionals in the field of architecture to work in humanitarian aid and crisis situations in general. Through an offer of articulated eight thematic modules tutored by international experts, academics and practitioners with relevant experience, this course deepens and consolidates knowledge in key areas that intersect architectural design, disasters and development. Delivering an intensive apprenticeship at the confluence of disciplinary perspectives offers architects and other professionals from nearby areas useful tools to respond to disasters, health or refugee crises, and critical situations within informal settings.
Blending various topics, from the technical to the institutional, the social to the geographic, and the ethical to the esthetical, it focuses on the resilience of the communities inhabiting the urban margins. Addressing vulnerability drivers, this course seeks a comprehensive and critical reading of urgent and often unjust realities.
Competências do curso At the end of the complete course, candidates should be better prepared to stand alone or work as a team, develop projects, including funding applications, closely interact with communities, design with people and keep in mind the needs of women, transgender people and other minorities, and tackle projects that fall within the scope of architecture for crises, or humanitarian architecture, in a transdisciplinary way.
Upon completion of this post-master candidates will be better equipped to develop architectural projects from scratch, reconstruction, emergency or post-disaster resettlement or hosting and integration of refugees. Grounded on sustainability principles, these projects are supposed to meet the requirements related to adaptation to climate change, disaster risk reduction, involvement of local communities through collaborative design methods and women's empowerment and ethnic, political and religious minorities.
Students are believed to acquire or strengthen skills in observation and holistic analysis of humanitarian crises, housing shortages, services, intercultural conflicts or intersectionality, proposing, and combining analogical and digital tools, infrastructures and physical structures that can prevent and mitigate impacts as well as recovery according to the principle of building back better and building the resilience of communities.
Saídas Profissionais As independent professionals, consultants, designers, technicians or project managers in national and international organizations acting in the humanitarian response, emergence, disaster recovery, sheltering and housing of migrants and refugees arenas. (e.g. EU and UN agencies, The International RedCross, Cities Alliance, Slum Dwellers International)

Practitioners and experts of public and private agencies programs and projects, namely governmental cooperation entities and non-profit organizations working in slum upgrading and incremental housing projects (e.g. the World Bank, NGOs, foundations, local governmental bodies and municipalities)

Infra-estruturas UBI Central Library and Digital Repository with access to books, dissertations and thesis; Bibliography online database; Platform ISI Web of Knowledge (Wok); Online Library of Knowledge (B-On), with access to scientific journals; PROQUEST Database; Amadeus Database; CIAUD-pole and CMADE which are UBI research centers funded by FCT; INE's access point; European Center of Documentation at UBI's central library; Classrooms with informatic equipment and wifi; Self-Learning Lab (LABA) Santander-Totta; Wireless network, canteen, bars and restaurant. Parternhiship agreements are being established with national and international organizations to offer internships. Those interested in research will find opportunities at the UBI CIAUD-pole and publish in the journals associated with the CIAUD, the research centre of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Lisbon, namely the "Espaços Vivídos, Espaços Construídos" (Lived Spaces, Built Spaces) managed by the CIAUD group GESTUAL.

Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Arquitetura

Calçada Fonte do Lameiro
6201-001 Covilhã
275 329 969


Foto Nome
Imagem d@ Afonso Nuno Henrique Martins  [Ficheiro Local]
Diretor/a de Curso
Afonso Nuno Henrique Martins
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