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F Pereira, E Silva, G Lafruit, Image and Video Processing and Analysis and Computer Vision, 2018, Pages 75-111. M Pereira, A Pinheiro. JPEG XT verification tests by UBI, Portugal. ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 1 N6590, (ITU-T SG16), Coding of Still Pictures, 2014. A Pinheiro, K Fliegel, P Korshunov, L Krasula, M Bernardo, M Pereira, T Ebrahimi, Performance evaluation of JPEG XT image compression, 67th meeting of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 1, France 2014. P Hanhart, M Bernardo, P Korshunov, M Pereira, A Pinheiro, and T Ebrahimi, HDR image compression: a new challenge for objective quality metrics, 67th meeting of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 1, France 2014. JPEG Pleno Holography - Draft Overview of Holography Factors Influencing Quality of Experience. U Reiter [...] M Pereira, A Pinheiro, J You, A Zgank, 2014, pg 45-60; Qualinet White paper on Definitions of Quality of Experience. K Brunnström, M Pereira, A Pinheiro [......], edited by P Le Callet, Se Möller and A Perkis, 2013; EU COST action 1003 QUAL