Message from General Directorate of Higher Education
The General Directorate of Higher Education congratulates the organization of the XIX Conference of the European Network of Ombudsmen of Higher Education Institutions and the University of Beira Interior that hosts the event. In the hearings held within the framework of the revision process of the Legal Regime of Higher Education Institutions, the role of the Student Ombudsman as a figure equidistant from the different stakeholders of the academy, generating equity, justice, and balances, was consensual. However, many are the challenges launched to the Ombudsmen, so that they are active agents and facilitators in the process of transformation of higher education and its institutions, in the face of the demands of society. In this context, the European Network of Ombudsmen sees its importance and responsibility reinforced.
Joaquim Mourato, General Manager of Higher Education
Message from National Agency ERASMUS+
The Erasmus+ Programme advocates the EU values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including those of people belonging to minorities, in full compliance with the values and rights enshrined in the EU Treaties and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. The Erasmus+ Programme supports active citizenship and ethics in lifelong learning; it promotes the development of social and intercultural skills, critical thinking, and media literacy. Moreover, it prioritises projects that provide opportunities for people to participate in democratic life and social and civic engagement through formal and non-formal learning activities. The emphasis is placed on raising awareness of the context of the European Union and its understanding, particularly regarding the common values of the EU and the principles of unity and diversity, as well as its social, cultural, and historical legacy
Carla Ruivo, Coordinator Erasmus+ Programme
Message from the Mayor
Welcome to Covilhã. It is an honour to know that, over the next three days, our city will host such a significant event and such distinguished participants. As Mayor, I would like to wish a great stay to the speakers and all those who will join each of the sessions. To those who will be physically present, allow me to challenge you to take this opportunity to visit and discover our city and our county, leaving an invitation for you to always return.
I would also like to congratulate the organisation of this conference and thank them for choosing Covilhã and our University of Beira Interior for its realisation. It will certainly be another contribution to consolidate the notoriety and prestige that UBI has gained abroad, while affirming itself as a clear recognition that from this territory in the interior of the country, national and international initiatives can also be realised.
With a rich programme that will include plenary sessions, presentation of papers, workshops and posters, this conference promises to be a milestone in the production and sharing of knowledge on the theme and I am sure it will lay the groundwork for the future action of all those who have responsibilities in promoting equity and justice in higher education.
Confident in the success of this conference, it is also my duty to wish you a great and fruitful work and to reiterate that you will always be welcome in our Covilhã.
Vítor Pereira, Mayor of Covilhã
Message from the Rector
In today's knowledge economy, the University as an institution is seen as a driving force behind innovative and entrepreneurial processes that are fundamental to the development of society. In this context, UBI has been fulfilling its role by educating and training students; promoting and disseminating knowledge resulting from research; stimulating productivity through collaborative networks; contributing to the economic, social, cultural and artistic development of the territory; fostering values of inclusion, solidarity, freedom, equality and volunteering among its target audiences.
However, universities are complex and multidimensional organizations, bringing together groups of people with different interests who interact in order to achieve a common goal.
The Student Ombudsman is a university body (personality) that aims to make students aware of their right to a quality, efficient and respectful public service and also to encourage them to participate in improving this service through their personal commitment and critical thinking. Its role is also to act as a mediator between the elements it represents and the institutions, in any problematic situations that arise within the scope of its operation. The Ombudsman, his staff and the third parties involved are bound by a strong adherence to the principles of independence, impartiality, confidentiality and informality, and by a broad consensus that includes advising (mainly) students, disseminating information and being agents of change.
The University of Beira Interior (UBI), as host of this year's edition of the meeting of higher education ombudsmen from European institutions, emphasizes the importance of this international event for discussing crucial issues related to democracy, diversity, and the fundamental role of student ombudsmen in higher education. On the other hand, this meeting will be a good opportunity to share valuable experiences, best practices, difficulties and solutions developed to help solve problems.
This year's event is being held in Covilhã, 50 years after the April Revolution that brought about Portugal's transition to democracy, and I would also like to emphasize that it is taking place in the year that also marks the 50th anniversary of the creation of Higher Education in the interior of the country, which is why it is a particularly significant choice for the country, the region and the city of Covilhã.
As Rector, I would like to extend a warm welcome and best wishes to all those who dared to attend this meeting, in the certainty that the events belong to those who believe in the transformative power of individuals and those who believe that the sum of each person's small contributions can have a major global impact.
Covilhã, 12 June 2024
The Rector
Mário Raposo, UBI Rector
Message from ENOHE
A very warm welcome on behalf of the Board of ENOHE and the Conference Planning Committee to our 2024 Conference, being held in the lovely city of Covilhã, Portugal. A combination of high-profile speakers and a choice from over 20 working sessions (plenaries, workshops, discussions, round-table sessions, lectures, and posters) should ensure that there is ‘something for everyone’. Our hosts at Universidade da Beira Interior/University of Beira Interior (UBI) have put together an excellent social programme to complement our three full days of stimulating sessions.
Whether you are new to the ombuds role or returning as a long-standing ENOHE member, we hope you will find this event stimulating, interesting, relevant and enjoyable.
Thank you for joining us!
Jean Grier, President ENOHE
Ursula Meiser, Vice-President ENOHE
Message from UBI Student’s Ombudsman
It is with great pleasure and honour that I extend a warm welcome to all of you on behalf of the University of Beira Interior, which is privileged to host the 19th European Network of Ombuds in Higher Education Conference in 2024.
As the Student Ombudsman of this esteemed host university, it is a true honour to welcome colleagues from around the world to this important event. Our institution is delighted to serve as the venue for this significant gathering, which promises to be a unique opportunity for exchanging knowledge, ideas, and experiences.
This year's conference is set to be exceptional, with a programme filled with inspiring plenary sessions, paper presentations, interactive workshops, and the inclusion of poster presentations for the first time. I am confident that the debates and discussions that unfold over the course of the days will be enriching and stimulating for all in attendance.
I sincerely hope you enjoy the hospitality of our university and the beautiful city of Covilhã, while making the most of this opportunity for learning and networking. May this conference be a memorable and inspiring moment for us all.
Once again, a very warm welcome to the University of Beira Interior and the 19th ENOHE Conference in 2024.
Best regards,
On behalf of the local Conference Planning Committee,
Afonso M. Gomes, UBI Student’s Ombudsman
After its most successful annual conference in Prague in June 2023 with 100 participants from five continents ENOHE, the European Network of Ombuds in Higher Education, now has published the conference report for that event. On more than 230 pages the document does contain the keynote speeches during the three conference days as they were held by prof. PaedDr. Radka Wildová, CSc., Director General for Higher Education, Science and Research section, prof. MUDr. Milena Králíčková, the rector of the host institution Charles University, and João Carlos Correia Leitão, Professor Associado com Agregação from Portugal as well as either the slide shows or the summaries of the 20 sessions as they were held during the conference. There is also a photo section included and a list of participants.