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  3. Célia Maria Pinto Nunes
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Célia Maria Pinto Nunes

Professor/a Associado/a

Sector — Cargos/Funções

Pró-Reitoria para a Cooperação Internacional Pro-Reitor/a da Pró-Reitoria para a Cooperação Internacional

Departamento de Matemática Docente do Departamento de Matemática

Diretor/a do(s) curso(s)

Publicações Científicas Mais Recentes

(Informação importada da plataforma CiênciaVitae)

    Artigo em conferência/Conference paper

    1. Ferreira, SS; Ferreira, D; Nunes, C; Mexia, JT. "Optimum estimation and marginal distributions". 2022.
    2. Santos, C; Dias, C; Nunes, C; Mexia, JT. "On the derivation of complex linear models from simpler ones". 2020.
    3. Ferreira, D; Ferreira, SS; Nunes, C; Mexia, JT. "Segregation and Intrinsec Restrictions on Canonic Variance Components". 2018.
    4. Ferreira, D; Ferreira, SS; Nunes, C; Oliveira, TA; Mexia, JT. "Confidence Intervals for Variance Components in Gauge Capability Studies". 2018.
    5. Ferreira, SS; Ferreira, D; Nunes, C; Mexia, JT. "Estimation of Variance Components in Models with Positive Commutativity Orthogonal Block Structure". 2018.

    Artigo em revista/Journal article

    1. Carla Santos; Cristina Dias; Nuno M. Brites; Célia Nunes; João Tiago Mexia. "Addressing the algebraic structure of a linear mixed model with balanced design towards model extension". Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences (2024) url
    2. PEDRO ANTUNES; ANA JOAQUIM; FRANCISCO SAMPAIO; CÉLIA NUNES; ANTÓNIO ASCENSÃO; EDUARDO VILELA; MADALENA TEIXEIRA; et al. "Exercise Training Benefits Health-Related Quality of Life and Functional Capacity during Breast Cancer Chemotherapy: A Randomized Controlled Trial". Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (2024) url
    3. Raysa Geaquinto Rocha; Paulo Pinheiro; Florian Kragulj; Célia Nunes; Marcia Juliana d''''Angelo. "Doing well by doing right: where is practical wisdom in business?". Social Responsibility Journal (2024) url
    4. Rosemary Bailey; Peter J. Cameron; Dário Ferreira; Sandra S. Ferreira; Célia Nunes. "Designs for half-diallel experiments with commutative orthogonal block structure". Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference (2024) url
    5. Célia Nunes; Dário Ferreira; Sandra S. Ferreira; Miguel Fonseca; Manuela M. Oliveira; João T. Mexia. "Noncentral Wishart matrices, asymptotic normality of vec and smooth statistics". Statistics (2023) url

    Capítulo de livro/Book chapter

    1. Carla Santos; Cristina Dias; Célia Nunes; João T. Mexia. "Operations with Iso-structured Models with Commutative Orthogonal Block Structure: An Introductory Approach", 2023.
    2. Ricardo Campos; Jorge Duque; Tiago Cândido; Jorge Mendes; Gaël Dias; Alípio Jorge; Célia Nunes. "Time-Matters: Temporal Unfolding of Texts", 2021.
    3. Ferreira, Sandra S.; Ferreira, Dário; Nunes, Célia; Carvalho, Francisco; Mexia, João Tiago. "Orthogonal Block Structure and Uniformly Best Linear Unbiased Estimators". In Matrices, Statistics and Big Data, 89-98: Springer International Publishing, 2019.
    4. Ferreira, Dário; Ferreira, Sandra S.; Nunes, Célia; Mexia, João T. "Optimal Estimators in Mixed Models with Orthogonal Block Structures". In Recent Studies on Risk Analysis and Statistical Modeling, 271-276: Springer International Publishing, 2018.
    5. Ricardo Campos; Vítor Mangaravite; Arian Pasquali; Alípio Mário Jorge; Célia Nunes; Adam Jatowt. "A Text Feature Based Automatic Keyword Extraction Method for Single Documents", 684-691: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

    Nota Biográfica

    (Informação importada da plataforma CiênciaVitae)
    Célia Nunes is currently Pro-Rector for the area of International Cooperation, University of Beira Interior (UBI). She is an Associate Professor at Department of Mathematics and member of the Center of Mathematics and Applications, UBI, and collaborator of the Center of Mathematics and Applications, FCT Nova. She is PhD in Mathematics by UBI, MSc. in Applied Mathematics, by the University of Évora (UE), and BSc. in Mathematics - Probability and Statistics (UE) Her research interests are in Probability and Statistics and Applied Mathematics, in particular Statistical Inference in Linear Models. She has published research in the fields of Probability and Statistics and Applied Statistics and has been awarded three best paper awards: => Best Paper Award at the 5th International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Simulation, Modelling (ASM ''11) for the paper entitled "Orthogonal Fixed Effects ANOVA with Random Sample Sizes" (Authors: João T. Mexia, Célia Nunes, Dário Ferreira, Sandra S. Ferreira, Elsa Moreira); => Best Short Paper Award at the 40th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR''18) for the paper entitled "A Text Feature Based Automatic Keyword Extraction Method for Single Documents" (Authors: Ricardo Campos, Vítor Mangaravite, Arian Pasquali, Alípio Mário Jorge, Célia Nunes, Adam Jatowt); => Best Track Paper Award in Optimization at the 5th North American International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, 2020, for the work entitled "On the Derivation of Complex Linear Models from Simpler Ones" (Authors: Carla Santos, Célia Nunes, Cristina Dias, João T. Mexia) She has been involved in several research projects and is a guest reviewer of international journals, co-chaired multiple international conferences and workshops, being also a scientific committee member of international conferences.

    Distinções e Prémios

    (Informação importada da plataforma CiênciaVitae)
    2020Best Track Paper Award in Optimization for the paper entitled "On the Derivation of Complex Linear Models from Simpler Ones". Authors: Carla Santos, Cristina Dias, Célia Nunes and João T. Mexia
    2018Best Short Paper Award for the paper "A Text Feature Based Automatic Keyword Extraction Method for Single Documents". Authors: Ricardo Campos, Vítor Mangaravite, Arian Pasquali, Alípio M. Jorge, Célia Nunes, Adam Jatowt (
    2011Best Paper Award for the paper entitled "Orthogonal Fixed Effects ANOVA with Random Sample Sizes"Authors: João T. Mexia, Célia Nunes, Dário Ferreira, Sandra S. Ferreira, Elsa Moreira
    Outra distinção
    2023Honorable Mention in the Sports Science Awards (Sports Medicine area), for the work entitled "Effects of exercise training on cardiac toxicity markers in women with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy with anthracycline: a randomized controlled trial" - Comité Olímpico de Portugal, Lisboa, Portugal
    2016Awarded Research Work to the communication entitled "Correlação dos parâmetros de reserva ovárica nos ciclos de Procriação Medicamente Aayistida". Authors: V. Alabino, R. Martins, J. Aidos and C. Nunes
    2014Award for best oral communication entitled "Intervenção Clínica e nutricional em pacientes com Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 não controlada e com excesso ponderal ou obesidade". Authors: Vera S. Costa, João S Correia, Célia Nunes, Celina Félix, Inês Costa

    Projectos e Financiamentos

    (Informação importada da plataforma CiênciaVitae)


    UNITA - Universitas Montium (ERASMUS-EDU-2023-EUR-UNIV) 101124853 — UNITA — ERASMUS-EDU-2023-EUR-UNIV (Em curso)
    Funding of Strategic Projects with Public Interest promoted by Associated Laboratories and RD Units  UIDB /00297/2020 (Em curso)
    Project C4 - Cloud Computing Competence Centre.  - (Concluído)
    School on Cloud: connecting education to the cloud for digital citizenship  543221-LLP-1-2013-1-GR-KA3-KA3NW (Concluído)
    Funding of Strategic Projects with Public Interest promoted by Associated Laboratories and RD Units - 2014 - OE  PEst-OE/MAT/UI0297/2014 (Concluído)



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