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  3. António Manuel Gonçalves Pinheiro
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António Manuel Gonçalves Pinheiro

Professor/a Associado/a

Sector — Cargos/Funções

Departamento de Física Docente do Departamento de Física

Diretor/a do(s) curso(s)

Publicações Científicas Mais Recentes

(Informação importada da plataforma CiênciaVitae)

    Artigo em conferência/Conference paper

    1. Michela Testolina; Davi Lazzarotto; Rafael Rodrigues; Shima Mohammadi; João Ascenso; António M. G. Pinheiro; Touradj Ebrahimi. "On the Performance of Subjective Visual Quality Assessment Protocols for Nearly Visually Loayless Image Compression". 2023.
    2. Joao Prazeres; Rafael Rodrigues; Manuela Pereira; António M. G. Pinheiro. "JPEG Pleno Learning-Based Point Cloud Coding: A Performance Analysis". 2023.
    3. Joao Prazeres; Zhe Luo; António M. G. Pinheiro; Luis A. da Silva Cruz; Stuart Perry. "JPEG Pleno Call for Proposals Responses Quality Assessment". 2023.
    4. Mohd. Tausif; Ekram Khan; Manuela Pereira; António Pinheiro. "Transform domain analysis of holographic data in context of hologram plane coding". 2022.
    5. Joao Prazeres; Manuela Pereira; António M. G. Pinheiro. "Subjective Quality Evaluation of Point Clouds with 3D Stereoscopic Visualization". 2022.

    Artigo em revista/Journal article

    1. João Pedro Casanova Prazeres; Manuela Pereira; António M. G. Pinheiro. "Quality evaluation of point cloud compression techniques". Signal Processing: Image Communication (2024) url
    2. Rafael Rodrigues; Lucie Lévêque; Jesús Gutiérrez; Houda Jebbari; Meriem Outtas; Lu Zhang; Aladine Chetouani; et al. "Objective quality assessment of medical images and videos: review and challenges". Multimedia Tools and Applications (2024) url
    3. Ivo Miguel da Fonseca Gravito Soares; Miguel Castelo Branco; António M. G. Pinheiro. "Microaneurysms detection in retinal images using a multi-scale approach". Biomedical Signal Processing and Control (2023) url
    4. Mohd. Tausif; Ekram Khan; António M. G. Pinheiro. "Computationally efficient wavelet-based low memory image coder for WMSNs/IoT". Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing (2023) url
    5. Hadi Amirpour; Pinheiro, António; Fonseca, Elsa; Ghanbari, Mohammed; Manuela Pereira. "Quality evaluation of holographic images coded with standard codecs". IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (2022) url

    Capítulo de livro/Book chapter

    1. Pinheiro, António. "Factors Influencing Quality of Experience". editado por Moller, Sebastian;; Raake, Alexander, 55-72: Springer International Publishing, 2014.
    2. Pinheiro, António M. G.; Ieee,. "THE ANGULAR ORIENTATION PARTITION EDGE DESCRIPTOR", 1250-1253, 2010.

    Nota Biográfica

    (Informação importada da plataforma CiênciaVitae)
    António Pinheiro [Email: ] is an Associate Professor at U.B.I. (Universidade da Beira Interior), Covilha, Portugal and a researcher at I.T. (Instituto de Telecomunicações), Portugal. He received the BSc (Licenciatura) in Electrical and Computer Engineering from I.S.T, Portugal in 1988 and the PhD in Electronic Systems Engineering from University of Essex, U.K. in 2002. He has lectured several courses on Signal and Image Processing and on Digital Systems Design and Microprocessors. Currently, his research interests are on Image Processing, Multimedia Quality Evaluation, Emerging 3D Imaging Technologies, and Medical Image Analysis. He was a Portuguese representative of the European Union Actions COST 292, COST IC1003 - QUALINET, COST IC1206 - DE-ID, COST BM1304 - MYO-MRI and COST CA16103 - PARENCHIMA. He is a Portuguese delegate to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29, involved with JPEG standardisation committee, where he is currently the Communication Subgroup chair. He was host and organiser of the 100th JPEG meeting, organizer and presenter of the tutorial in ACM Multimedia 2021 Conference"Plenoptic Quality Assessment: The JPEG Pleno Experience", the technical program co-chair of QoMEX 2015, the special session co-chair of QoMEX 2016, organizer of the "special session on Quality Assessment" at MMSP2014 and special session on "Challenges in Point Cloud Technology" at EUVIP 2022 , and co-organizer of the "Image Compression Grand Challenge" at ICIP 2016 and Special Session "Evaluation of Current and Future Image Compression Technologies" at PCS 2015. He is a member of the Editorial Board of IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. He is a senior member of IEEE.

    Distinções e Prémios

    (Informação importada da plataforma CiênciaVitae)
    2022Best Paper presented at 3D Imaging and Applications 2022, Electronic Imaging 2022
    20202020 Award-winning ETRI Journal Papers "P. Schelkens and T.E. Ebrahimi and A. Giles and P. Gioia and K. Oh and F. Pereira and C. Perra and A. Pinheiro, JPEG Pleno: Providing Representation Interoperability for Holographic Applications and Devices, ETRI
    2014Top 10% Paper Award - IEEE 16th International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP) with the paper "Performance evaluation of the emerging JPEG XT image compression standard".

    Projectos e Financiamentos

    (Informação importada da plataforma CiênciaVitae)


    Exploration on Standardisation of Event based cameras Contract No. 09/06
    JPEG Pleno Point Cloud Coding - Deep Learning based coding of Point Clouds 07/29


    Institute of Telecommunications LA/P/0109/2020 (Em curso)
    Standardising Deep Learning based Codecs in JPEG ID: 03-404
    PLenoptics for Immersive Visual Experience (PLIVE) PLIVE - X-0017-LX-20



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