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  3. Donizete Aparecido Rodrigues
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Donizete Aparecido Rodrigues

Professor/a Associado/a com Agregação

Sector — Cargos/Funções

Departamento de Sociologia Docente do Departamento de Sociologia

Publicações Científicas Mais Recentes

(Informação importada da plataforma CiênciaVitae)

    Artigo em revista/Journal article

    1. Cruz, João Carlos Lima da ; Rodrigues, Donizete. "Afinidades Eletivas: as perspectivas de Löwy e o movimento espiritista palmense"". Sociedade e Cultura (2024)
    2. Margaça, Clara; Rodrigues, Donizete. "Religious-ethnic entrepreneurs planting seeds: a novel research agenda". Society and Business Review (2024) url
    3. Rodrigues, Donizete. "Xamãs, Bruxas e Pastores: a dimensão religiosa no processo de cura". Aálise Social (2024)
    4. Tavares, Gean ; Rodrigues, Donizete. Autor correspondente: Tavares, Gean. "Um Povo de Daomé: Benin, Religião e História". Mosaico: Revista de História (2024)
    5. Cardoso, Kaique; Rodrigues, Donizete; Lanza, Fabio. "A juventude evangélica brasileira e suas práticas culturais em Lisboa". Revista Argentina de Estudios de Juventud (2023) url

    Capítulo de livro/Book chapter

    1. Margaça, Clara; Rodrigues, Donizete. "Ethnic and Religious Entrepreneurship". In Reference Module in Social Sciences, 1-5: Elsevier, 2024.
    2. Rodrigues, Donizete. "Durkheim Revisitado: religião, anomia e a génese da violência". In Religião & Violência: da ambivalência de um nexo, 97-107: Almedina, 2024.
    3. Rodrigues, Donizete. "Pentecostalismo Indígena na Amazónia: o encontro do pastor com o pajé - conflito ou adaptação?". In Amazónias Sagradas: historiografias e religiosidades no norte do Brasil, 22-33. Brasil: Editora Cabana, 2024.
    4. Rodrigues, Donizete. Autor Correspondente: Rodrigues, Donizete. "Transnacionalização Pentecostal Brasileira: o caso da brasilianização de New York". In Fluxos Religiosos Transnacionais, 173-190. Brasil: ABA-Associação Brasileira de Antropologia, 2024.
    5. Gama, Glaúcio Da; Rodrigues, Donizete. Autor Correspondente: Gama, Glaúcio Da. "Tambor de Mina Jêje-Nagó em Manaus: o caso do Terreiro da Vodunsi Hunjaí Orny de Oxum Apará". In Festas, Religiosidades e Africanidades no Amazonas: saberes em diálogo, 89-107. Brasil: Editora Dialética, 2023.

    Nota Biográfica

    (Informação importada da plataforma CiênciaVitae)
    Donizete Rodrigues (born in 1959) is Bachelor in Social Sciences (Geography), Master''s degree in Social Anthropology (University of São Paulo, Brazil) - institution where was assistant professor (1986-1992) - and PhD in Social Anthropology (Coimbra University, Portugal). He is Associate Professor (with Habilitation) in Sociology at the University of Beira Interior - where was Dean of the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences (1997-2000). He was Senior-researcher at the Centre for Research in Anthropology, Nova University of Lisbon (2007-2023) and Vice-president of Lusophone Studies Association (Canada, 2019-2022). He has been collaborating with many academic institutions: Visiting professor (1995-2011) in the PhD program in Sociology and Anthropology at University of Salamanca (Spain); Visiting scholar (2000-2001) and Erasmus fellow (2002-2005) in the Department of Sociology at Bristol University (England); Visiting professor (2009-2010) in the Department of Religion at Columbia University (ivy league, USA); and Associate researcher (2011-2013) at the Center for the Study of Latin American Pentecostalism, University of Southern California. And also taught in the Master and PhD seminars in Sociology and Anthropology in many European countries and also India, Brazil, USA, Japan, Canada, and Israel. He has done ethnographic fieldwork in Brazil, USA, Europe, and Asia, in particular, on religion, immigration and identity. Presently, coordinates the project "Anthropological and sociological studies of religious expression and identities in the Amazonia, Brazil" (State University of Pará) and "Brazilian immigrants in New York City: religion and identity" (Columbia University). Published several scientific works in Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian, and English: 20 articles in journals with elevated quality standards and high impact (Web of science, Scopus and JCR), 16 books (author and co-editor), 6 special issues-journal co-editor, and 45 book chapters (included Indiana University Press, Ashgate and Routledge). The books published in English are: The Religious Phenomenon: an inter-disciplinary approach (2000); The God of the New Millennium: An Introduction to the Sociology of Religion - preface by Bryan Wilson (2002); and Jesus in Sacred Gotham: Brazilian Immigrants and Pentecostalism in New York City (2014).

    Distinções e Prémios

    (Informação importada da plataforma CiênciaVitae)
    1996Medalha de Mérito Científico
    Outra distinção
    2014Prémio de "Incentivo à Internacionalização" - CRIA-Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
    2013Prémio de "Incentivo à Internacionalização" - CRIA-Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal

    Projectos e Financiamentos

    (Informação importada da plataforma CiênciaVitae)


    Brazilian Immigrants and Pentecostalism in New York City  n/a (Concluído)
    Religion in Sociological Perspective n/a (Concluído)


    Ethnic and Religious Entrepreneurship in New York City: the case of Brazilian immigrants  none (Em curso)
    Estudo Sociológico do Movimento Religioso Tenrikyo CRIA-UNL; UT (Concluído)
    Estudo sociológico e antropológico de identidades e expressões religiosas na Amazónia: povos indígenas, japoneses, judeus, quilombolas, caboclos e evangélicos. None (Concluído)

    Mais Info


    Donizete Rodrigues, PhD in Social Anthropology (Coimbra University, Portugal), is Associate Professor of Anthropology (with aggregation in Sociology) at the University of Beira Interior (former Dean of Faculty of Human and Social Sciences), and Center for Research in Anthropology (Lisbon, Portugal). Since 2011, he is associate researcher at the Center for the Study of Latin American Pentecostalism (State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), funded by the Center for Religion and Civic Culture/Pentecostal and Charismatic Research Initiative at the University of Southern California, USA.

    He has been visiting fellow in several universities: Department of Religion at the Columbia University, USA (2009-2010); Master and PhD programmes in Sociology and Anthropology at the Salamanca University, Spain (1995-2009); Department of Sociology at the University of Bristol and All Souls College, Oxford University, England (2000-2001); and many universities in France, Sweden, India, Romania, Canada, Italy, Latvia, and Brazil.

    He collaborated with the working group/Oxford University, which edited the Encyclopedia of New Religious Movements (Routledge), contributing with four articles and has published chapters (Indiana University Press, Ashgate), articles, and many books in anthropology and sociology of religion: Deus, o Demónio e o Homem: o fenómeno Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus (1999); The Religious Phenomenon: an inter-disciplinary approach< (2000); The God of the New Millennium: An Introduction to the Sociology of Religion(2002); O Terreiro das Bruxas: o religioso no maravilhoso popular (2004); Em Nome de Deus: a religião na sociedade contemporânea (2004); Sociologia da Religião: uma introdução (2007); O Que é Religião? A visão das ciências sociais (2013), and this manuscript Jesus in Sacred Gotham: Brazilian Immigrants and Pentecostalism in New York City.



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