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  3. Marisa Sofia Fernandes Dinis de Almeida
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Marisa Sofia Fernandes Dinis de Almeida

Professor/a Auxiliar

Sector — Cargos/Funções


Marisa Dinis de Almeida joined the University of Beira Interior (UBI) in 1999. She is an Assistant Professor since 2011 having obtained a PhD in Civil Engineering on that date. She teaches several disciplines in Civil Engineering and Architecture courses.
She is an expert in pavement research, materials, design, construction and performance evaluation pavement, and she has author or co-author of papers and communications in national and international journals and scientific meetings.

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Mais Info

Research Interests 

Atividade de investigação desenvolvida no âmbito dos materiais para pavimentação e tecnologias de construção inovadoras, nomeadamente na utilização de materiais reciclados e soluções de baixo impacto. Os seus interesses de investigação atuais centram-se no desenvolvimento e avaliação do desempenho de soluções económica e ambientalmente sustentáveis para pavimentação rodoviária.    

Research activity with development in the scope of materials engineering for pavement and innovative construction technologies, namely in use of recycled materials and low impact solutions. Current research interests: Development and performance evaluation of economical and environmentally sustainable solutions for road paving, in mitigating and adapting to climate change. 


Curriculum Vitae 


Publication List 

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