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  3. Ricardo Nuno Taborda Campos
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Ricardo Nuno Taborda Campos

Professor/a Auxiliar

Sector — Cargos/Funções

Departamento de Informática Docente do Departamento de Informática

Publicações Científicas Mais Recentes

(Informação importada da plataforma CiênciaVitae)

    Artigo em conferência/Conference paper

    1. Cunha, Luis Filipe; Silvano, Purificação; Campos, Ricardo; Jorge, Alípio; LuísFilipe Cunha; Purificação Silvano; Ricardo Campos; Alípio Jorge. Autor correspondente: Cunha, Luis Filipe. "ACE-2005-PT: Corpus for Event Extraction in Portuguese". 2024.
      Aceite para publicação
    2. Jorge, Alípio; Amorim, Evelin; Hugo Sousa; Leal, António; Silvano, Purificação; Cantante, Inês; Campos, Ricardo; et al. "Text2Story Lusa: A Dataset for Narrative Analysis in European Portuguese News Articles". 2024.
    3. Guimarães, Nuno and Campos, Ricardo and Jorge, Al´ipio; Gamallo, Pablo and Claro, Daniela and Teixeira, António and Real, Livy and Garcia, Marcos a. "Perfil Público: Automatic Generation and Visualization of Author Profiles for Digital News Media". 2024.
    4. Amorim, E; Campos, R; Jorge, AM; Mota, P; Almeida, R. "text2story: A Python Toolkit to Extract and Visualize Story Components of Narrative Text". 2024.
    5. Silvano, Purificação; Leal, António; Amorim, Evelin; Cantante, Inês; Jorge, Alípio M.; Campos, Ricardo; Yu, Nana. "Untangling a web of temporal relations in news articles". 2024.
      Aceite para publicação

    Artigo em revista/Journal article

    1. Adam Jatowt; Marie Katsurai; Muhammad Syafiq Mohd Pozi; Ricardo Campos. "Special issue on selected papers from ICADL 2022". International Journal on Digital Libraries (2024) url
    2. Guimarães, N; Campos, R; Jorge, A; Guimaraes, N. "Pre-trained language models: What do they know?". WIREs Data. Mining. Knowl. Discov. (2024) url
    3. Mariana Souza; Marcos Gólo; Alípio Mário Guedes Jorge; Evelin Carvalho Freire de Amorim; Ricardo Nuno Taborda Campos; Ricardo Marcondes Marcacini; Solange Oliveira Rezende. "Keywords attention for fake news detection using few positive labels". Information Sciences (2024) url
    4. Adam Jatowt; Mari Sato; Simon Draxl; Yijun Duan; Ricardo Campos; Masatoshi Yoshikawa. "Is this news article still relevant? Ranking by contemporary relevance in archival search". International Journal on Digital Libraries (2023) url
    5. Campos, R; Jorge, AM; Jatowt, A; Bhatia, S; Litvak, M; Cordeiro, JP; Rocha, C; Sousa, H; Mansouri, B. "Report on the 6th International Workshop on Narrative Extraction from Texts (Text2Story 2023) at ECIR 2023". SIGIR Forum (2023) url

    Capítulo de livro/Book chapter

    1. Ricardo Campos; Alípio Jorge; Adam Jatowt; Sumit Bhatia; Marina Litvak. "The 7th International Workshop on Narrative Extraction from Texts: Text2Story 2024", 2024.
    2. Rúben Almeida; Hugo Sousa; Luísf. Cunha; Nuno Guimarães; Ricardo Campos; Alípio Jorge; Almeida, R.; Et Al. "Physio: An LLM-Based Physiotherapy Advisor", 2024.
    3. Francisco Gonçalves; Ricardo Campos; Alípio Jorge. "Text2Storyline: Generating Enriched Storylines from Text", 2023.
    4. Ricardo Campos; Adam Jatowt; Alípio Jorge. "Text Mining and Visualization of Political Party Programs Using Keyword Extraction Methods: The Case of Portuguese Legislative Elections", 2023.
    5. Ricardo Campos; Alípio Jorge; Adam Jatowt; Sumit Bhatia; Marina Litvak. "The 6th International Workshop on Narrative Extraction from Texts: Text2Story 2023", 2023.

    Nota Biográfica

    (Informação importada da plataforma CiênciaVitae)
    Ricardo Campos is an Assistant Professor at the University of Beira Interior (UBI) and an invited professor at the Porto Business School (PBS). He lectures courses related to data science, big data, text mining and programming. While at the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar (IPT), where he stssed from 2003 to 2023, he was a director of the BSc on Information Communication and Technologies (2016-2017) and head of several courses in the MSc. of Computer Engineering and in the Business Intelligence and Analytics. He consistently received an excellent rating according to the Teaching Staff Performance Assessment Regulation and a high average satisfaction score from students of IPT, PBS and UBI [5.81 out of 6], having been distinguished twice by PBS with the Best Teacher Award for the Graduation program he teaches. He is a senior researcher of LIAAD-INESC TEC, the Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Lab of the University of Porto (U. Porto), and a collaborator of Ci2.ipt, the Smart Cities Research Center of the IPT. He holds a PhD in Computer Science by U. Porto, MSc. in Computer Engineering by UBI and BSc. in Mathematics and Computers by UBI. With over ten years of experience in Information Retrieval (IR) and Natural Language Processing (NLP), Ricardo has distinguished himself through impactful research, earning multiple awards such as best papers and best reviewer at top-tier international conferences. He is the leading author of the highly impactful Yake! keyword extractor toolkit ( and the tell me stories project ( His current research focuses on developing methods concerned with the process of narrative extraction from texts. He is particularly interested in practical approaches regarding the relationship behind entities, events, and temporal aspects, as a means to make sense of unstructured data. He has been leading research and innovation projects on IR, NLP and Data Science funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technologie (FCT). He was also responsible researcher of the project PT.Pump-Up (INESC TEC) and co-investigator responsible for the FCT project Text2Story - Extracting journalistic narratives from text and representing them in a narrative modelling language (INESC TEC). Currently, he is a co-pi of the StorySense project - Reaching the Semantic Lssers of Stories in Text (INESC TEC) funded by FCT and a participant at the project PTicola, an Advanced Computing (Artificial Intelligence in Cloud) project, promoted by FCT in collaboration with Google. He is an editorial board member of the International Journal of Data Science and Analytics (Springer) and of the Information Processing & Management Journal (Elsevier), where he assumed the role of guest editor in two occasions, co-chaired international conferences and workshops, and is a regular member of the scientific committee of several international rank A* and A conferences in the domain of IR and NLP. He is frequently invited as a keynote speaker at scientific events and moderator of scientific sessions at rank A* and A conferences. Currently, he is a member of the Scientific Advisory Forum of the Portulan Clarin (, part of CLARIN ERIC (, a research infrastructure for the science and technology of the Portuguese language. More in

    Distinções e Prémios

    (Informação importada da plataforma CiênciaVitae)
    2024ECIR''24 - Best Demo Award - 46th European Conference on Information Retrieval, Glasgow, Glasgow, Reino Unido
    2024Prémio 2024 - Associação DNS.PT Honorable Mention - FCCN, Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
    2023EPIA''23 - Best Student Paper Award - Associação Portuguesa Para a Inteligência Artificial, Lisbo, Lisboa, Portugal
    2023CIKM''23 - Best Demo Paper Award (Runner-Up) - ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Birmingham, Birmingham, Reino Unido
    2022Prémio 2022 - Third Place Award - FCCN, Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
    2022Prémio 2022 - Jornal Público Honorable Mention - FCCN, Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
    2021JCDL''21 - Best Demo Paper Award (Vannevar Bush Best Paper Award) - ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Online, Online, Estados Unidos
    2019ECIR''19 - Best Demo Award - 41st European Conference on Information Retrieval, Colónia, Colónia, Alemanha
    2019ECIR''19 - Recognized Reviewer Award - 41st European Conference on Information Retrieval, Colónia, Colónia, Alemanha
    2018Prémio 2018 - First Place Award - FCCN, Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
    2018ECIR''18 - Best Short Paper Award - 40th European Conference on Information Retrieval, Grenoble, Grenoble, França
    2013Fraunhofer Portugal Challenge 2013 - First Place Award in the PhD Category - Associação Fraunhofer Portugal Research, Porto, Porto, Portugal
    Outra distinção
    2019NAACL-HTL''19 - Outstanding Reviewer - NAACL-HLT''19, Minneapolis, Minneapolis, Estados Unidos
    2013Distinguished as an "Outstanding" researcher by INESC TEC - Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores Tecnologia e Ciência, Porto, Porto, Portugal

    Prémios Recebidos

    Projectos e Financiamentos

    (Informação importada da plataforma CiênciaVitae)


    PTicola - Increasing Computationally Language Resources for Portuguese CPCA-IAC/AV/594794/2023


    Financiamento Programático - OE UIDP/50014/2020 (Em curso)
    Financiamento de Base - OE UIDB/50014/2020 (Em curso)


    INESC TEC - Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Tecnologia e Ciência (INESC TEC) LA/P/0063/2020 (Em curso)
    StorySense: Reaching the Semantic Lssers of Stories in Text 2022.09312.PTDC (Em curso)



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