LabCom is a Communication Sciences research unit whose main purpose is to develop advanced research on communication and new media technologies, especially those underlying online and digital processes, in order to assess their impact on everyday life and understand different kinds of communication phenomena on an individual, communitarian and societal basis.
Labcom is organized in two research groups:
- Communication & Media, dealing with the multilevel and multiform impacts and effects of communication and new media technologies
- Arts Group, focused on the relationship between communication and new media technologies in the arts and in its specific interfaces, from fine arts to cinema and design.
The most distinctive feature of LabCom is its strong online presence, with:
5 online journals:
DOC On-Line - Revista Digital de Cinema Documentário (Documentary Cinema)
Eikon – Journal on Semiotics and Culture
Estudos em Comunicação / Communication Studies
RECENSIO - Revista de Recensões de Comunicação e Cultura (Recensions),
Revista Rhêtorikê - Revista Digital de Retórica (Rhetorics)
4 online libraries:
BOAL - Biblioteca On-line Audio de Literatura (Audio Literature)
BOCC - Biblioteca On-line de Ciências da Comunicação (Communication Sciences)
BOND – Bilioteca On-line de Design (Design)
LusoSofia - Biblioteca On-line de Filosofia e Cultura (Philosophy and Culture)
1 online publisher:
Livros LabCom/ LabCom Books
1 digital newspaper:
Urbi et Orbi - Jornal Online da UBI, da Região e do Resto
1 online radio:
RUBI - Rádio Universitária da Beira Interior
1 online television:
TUBI - Televisão Universitária da Beira Interior
3 databases in the areas of cinema and image:
CINEPT · CINEMA PORTUGUÊS (Portuguese Cinema),
Imagens On-Line (Online Images)
Investigações Científicas sobre Imagem em Movimento (Research on Moving Image)
uBibliorum | Coleção do LabCom - Comunicação e Artes
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