Historically, this research unit was created in 1994 as “CAST – Centre for Aerospace Science and Technologies” by a small group of colleagues from the Departments of Electromechanical Engineering and Aerospace Sciences at UBI.
In 2015 its designation was changed to “C-MAST – Centre for Mechanical and Aerospace Sciences and Technologies” to reflect the change of emphasis from research solely centred in Aerospace/Aeronautical themes to a more general domain encompassing Mechanical Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Aerospace Sciences and Industrial Management Engineering.
Now C-MAST is a research centre developing studies in Materials, Structures, Energy, Fluids and Production, in the fields of science and engineering mentioned in the previous paragraph, with a wide spectrum of specific areas, from Astrodynamics to Technological Forecasting.
We are involved in high-level international collaborations, scientific networks, and prestigious professional societies. Our general aims are: to intensify and to promote investigation and collaboration with the industry in those domains in Portugal; to improve the quality of teaching/learning in the involved institutions; to qualify high-level specialists; and to develop outreach activities.
With these goals in view, the activities of the Centre are multidisciplinary and combine scientific, technological, economic and social aspects. The Centre research and development activity is arranged in two groups:
- Aerospace Materials and Structures (AeroMaS)
- Energy and Fluid Mechanics (EnerMeF)
and a central, inter-connected with the 2 groups, multidisciplinary area:
- Sustainability, production and technological innovation
AeroMaS thematic lines are:
- Dynamics and control of aerospace systems
- Multifunctional (nano)composites and structures
EnerMef thematic lines are:
- Heat transfer and thermal systems
- Fluid mechanics and propulsion systems
- Magneto/Electro/Plasma Dynamics and active flow control
C-MAST identifies its mission as
- Consolidation, intensification and internationalization of research in its areas of activity;
- Contribution to national and regional capacity of industrial development and technology transfer;
- Training and qualification of researchers on post-graduate and post-doctoral level and initiation of graduate students in scientific research in the areas of activity;
- Promotion of the scientific culture in academic environment and to the general public.
Scientific Coordinator: Paulo Jorge dos Santos Pimentel de Oliveira
Rua Marquês d’Ávila e Bolama
6201-001 Covilhã
Tel:+351 275329906
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uBibliorum | Coleção do C-Mast | Center for Mechanical and Aerospace Science and Technologies