NECE - Research Centre for Business Sciences Projetos Internacionais External Advisory Committee Publicações Contactos Estrada do Sineiro, s/n 6200-209 Covilhã mcamposðubi÷pt +40° 17' 19.45" -7° 30' 54.38" NECE's mission is to develop excellent research in business and economic sciences, with international dissemination, based on multidisciplinary approaches; nurtured from a community of researchers who promote University-Industry-Community relations and pursue the application of the Sustainable Development Goals. NECE's vision is to be recognised as a benchmark for excellence in research; to be a centre for attracting and retaining the best research talent, who are committed to being key players in promoting sustainable development, contributing to productivity, competitiveness, business and social innovation, sustainable economic development and the well-being of society, at international, national and regional level; and to guarantee the notoriety, visibility and dissemination of the research activities and results of the research community. NECE's scientific agenda is organised into four groups: Entrepreneurship, Competitiveness and Innovation: Aims to carry out high-quality research into entrepreneurship, firms and regional competitiveness and innovation, encouraging strong collaboration between its members and with international research networks and organisations. Research group coordinator: Claudia Dias Organisational Management: Studies focused on the problems inherent in the management of for-profit and non-profit organisations. Through innovative approaches, it also integrates current themes such as neuroscience, ethics, social inclusion and gender equality. Research group coordinator: Eugénia Pedro Economics and Finance: This group promotes the publication of high-quality articles in economics (micro/macro) and finance (markets/firms), in order to provide an international forum for research in EF. The research carried out is of particular relevance to national and global decision-makers. Research group coordinator: Flávio Morais Sustainable Development: Conducts research on the SDGs, data analysis, evaluation of sustainable technologies and products, environmental impact assessments, environmental education, sustainability strategies and assessments, ESG approach, sustainable business models, monitoring of sustainable practices and public policies. Research group coordinator: João Leitão NECE also has three laboratories that offer research infrastructures: neuroNECE, a neuroscience laboratory applied to Management, Economics and Marketing; dataNECE, a data science and curation laboratory; and sdNECE, a Sustainable Development laboratory. In this context, the activity plan for 2025-2029 is based on four strategic axes: Promoting excellence in research and the dissemination of research results Capacitating the research community Increasing the internationalisation of R&D activities and the research community Intensifying University-Industry-Community relations Scientific Coordinator: Ricardo Gouveia Rodrigues Estrada do Sineiro 6200-209 Covilhã Phone +351 275 319 600 UNIDADE INTEGRADA uBibliorum | Coleção do NECE - Research Center in Business Sciences Regulamento NECE Ask a Researcher Videos Transferência Energética Ver vídeo Turismo e Produtos Endógenos Ver Vídeo Universidades cívicas e sustentáveis Ver Vídeo Projetos Re-Start e Start Circular Ver vídeo 90 segundos de ciência Ouvir» Notícias ver todas Na semana passada XXXIV Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Gestão Científica premeiam investigação do NECE-UBI No mês passado Prémios Ciências do Desporto distinguem investigadores do NECE-UBI Há 3 meses Investigadores do NECE-UBI premiados em Seminário de Economia Empresarial Equipa Foto Nome + Função Contactos Ricardo Gouveia Rodrigues Coordenador/a do NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences rjagrðubi÷pt 275319828 4028 João Carlos Correia Leitão Vice-Coordenador/a jleitaoðubi÷pt Paulo Alexandre de Oliveira Duarte Vice-Coordenador/a pduarteðubi÷pt Maria do Céu Ferreira Gaspar Alves Vice-Coordenador/a mceuðubi÷pt Paulo Gonçalves Pinheiro Vice-Coordenador/a pgpðubi÷pt Zélia Maria da Silva Serrasqueiro Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences zeliaðubi÷pt 275319837 4037 António Manuel Cardoso Marques Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences amarquesðubi÷pt 275319840 4040 Helena Maria Baptista Alves Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences halvesðubi÷pt 275319831 4031 Mário Lino Barata Raposo Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences mraposoðubi÷pt 275329172 2001 João José de Matos Ferreira Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences jjmfðubi÷pt 275319833 4033 José Ramos Pires Manso Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences pmansoðubi÷pt Arminda Maria Finisterra do Paço Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences apacoðubi÷pt 275319800 4000 Ana Paula Matias Gama Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences amatiasðubi÷pt 275319852 4052 Samuel Fonseca Monteiro Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences smonteiroðubi÷pt 275319882 4082 Maria José Aguilar Madeira Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences maria÷jose÷madeiraðubi÷pt 275319835 4035 Anabela do Rosario Leitão Dinis Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences adinisðubi÷pt 275319849 4049 Anabela Antunes de Almeida Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences aalmeidaðubi÷pt 275319827 4027 Dário Jorge da Conceição Ferreira Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences darioðubi÷pt 275242093 1653 António João Santos Nunes Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences anunesðubi÷pt 275319846 4046 João Dionisio Monteiro Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences jdmðubi÷pt 275319845 4045 Dina Alexandra Marques Miragaia Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences dammðubi÷pt 275329153 2905 Marta Sofia Lopes Pereira Alves Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences mpalvesðubi÷pt 275319802 4002 Carla Alexandra Barbosa Pereira Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences cpereiraðubi÷pt 275319831 4031 Ana Isabel Antunes Dias Rodrigues Gouveia Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences agouveiaðubi÷pt 275329057 5057 Cristina Maria Santos Estevão Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences cristina÷estevaoðubi÷pt 275319836 4036 Sónia Cristina Almeida Neves Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences sonia÷nevesðubi÷pt 275319842 4042 Tiago Afonso Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences tiago÷afonsoðubi÷pt 275319830 4030 Diogo André Santos Pereira Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences diogo÷andre÷pereiraðubi÷pt Luís Miguel Soares Santos Marques Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences luis÷miguel÷marquesðubi÷pt Ernesto Raúl Ferreira Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences ferreiraðubi÷pt Vitor Manuel Pinto de Figueiredo Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences vitor÷figueiredoðubi÷pt 275319844 4044 João Nuno Morais Lopes Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences joao÷nuno÷morais÷lopesðubi÷pt 4043 Pedro Miguel Lopes Mota Veiga Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences pedro÷mota÷veigaðubi÷pt Carla Daniela Moreira da Costa Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences carla÷costaðubi÷pt Daniel Francisco Bento Pais Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences daniel÷paisðubi÷pt Luís Manuel do Carmo Farinha Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences luis÷farinhaðubi÷pt 4050 Ana Filipa Marques Roque Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences anaroqueðubi÷pt 275319839 4039 Cristina Isabel Miranda Abreu Soares Fernandes Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences cristina÷isabel÷fernandesðubi÷pt Daniela Pereira Macedo Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences daniela÷macedoðubi÷pt Danilo Magno Marchiori Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences danilo÷marchioriðubi÷pt Dulcineia Catarina Moura de Sousa Coito Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences dulcineia÷coitoðubi÷pt Elsa Regina Monteiro Vieira Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences d519ðubi÷pt Emerson Wagner Mainardes Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences d524ðubi÷pt Ewa Agnieszka Kopczynska Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences ewa÷kopczynskaðubi÷pt Filipe Alexandre Pereira Duarte Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences filipeduarteðubi÷pt Flávio Daniel Correia Morais Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences flavio÷moraisðubi÷pt Maria de Lurdes Barroso Simão Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences lurdes÷simaoðubi÷pt Maria Manuela Garcia dos Remédios Vaz de Almeida Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences mfnevesðubi÷pt Maria Rosa Pires da Cruz Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences d526ðubi÷pt Patrícia Alexandra Hipólito Leal Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences patricia÷lealðubi÷pt Rozelia Laurett Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences rozelia÷laurettðubi÷pt Sergio de Jesus Teixeira Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences sergio÷jesus÷teixeiraðubi÷pt Vera Lúcia da Silva Carlos Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences veracarlosðubi÷pt Ana Isabel Gaspar Pacheco Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences ana÷pachecoðubi÷pt Ana Joana da Anunciação Nunes Candeias Fernandes Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences ana÷joana÷candeias÷fernandesðubi÷pt André Samuel Martins Gonçalves Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences andre÷samuel÷goncalvesðubi÷pt António Carrizo Moreira Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences carrizo÷moreiraðubi÷pt Beatriz Vanessa Piteira Barras Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences beatriz÷barrasðubi÷pt Bruna Maria Trindade Fernandes Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences bruna÷fernandesðubi÷pt Carla Alexandra Martins Fontes Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences carla÷fontesðubi÷pt Carla Cristina Gonçalves da Costa Teixeira Neves Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences carla÷teixeira÷nevesðubi÷pt Carlos Alberto Fernandes Sampaio Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences carlos÷sampaioðubi÷pt Clotilde Maria Paulino Passos Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences d786ðubi÷pt Cristina de Almeida Lourenço Varandas Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences cristina÷varandasðubi÷pt Cynthia Cândida Corrêa Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences cynthia÷correaðubi÷pt Dambusse Bucuane Libombo Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences dambusse÷libomboðubi÷pt Daniel Nunes Silva Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences d÷silvaðubi÷pt David Filipe Santos Silva Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences david÷santos÷silvaðubi÷pt Dênio Almeida Carneiro Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences denio÷carneiroðubi÷pt Domingos Martins Vaz Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences domingosðubi÷pt 275319863 4063 Elena Sochirca Neves Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences elena÷nevesðubi÷pt 275319848 Elisabeth Pires Baía Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences elisabeth÷baiaðubi÷pt Filipe Marcolino Cangombe Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences filipe÷m÷cangombeðubi÷pt Florbela Abilheira Dantas Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences florbela÷dantasðubi÷pt Gleibson de Andrade Arruda Silva Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences gleibson÷silvaðubi÷pt Gutemberg Xavier dos Santos Gomes Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences gutemberg÷xavierðubi÷pt Helena Susana Amaral Geraldes Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences susana÷geraldesðubi÷pt Henrique Viana Espinosa de Oliveira Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences henrique÷oliveiraðubi÷pt Isabel Cristina Panziera Marques Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences isabel÷marquesðubi÷pt Isaias de Jesus Alvares Mendes Junior Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences isaias÷juniorðubi÷pt Jaiandra da Silva Guimarães Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences jaiandra÷guimaraesðubi÷pt João Alfredo Carvalho Santos Pereira Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences alfredo÷pereiraðubi÷pt João Carlos Izidoro Marques Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences d842ðubi÷pt Joao Diogo Vicente Capucho Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences joao÷capuchoðubi÷pt João Manuel Esteves dos Santos Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences joao÷esteves÷santosðubi÷pt Joaquim Luís Monteiro Ferreira Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences joaquim÷ferreiraðubi÷pt Jorge Luis dos Santos Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences jl÷santosðubi÷pt Julia Vasconcelos Furtado Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences julia÷furtadoðubi÷pt Juliana Ribeiro Lopes Baltazar Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences juliana÷baltazarðubi÷pt Julio Carlos Morandi Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences julio÷morandiðubi÷pt Liliana Maria Gonçalves Pina Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences lilipinaðubi÷pt Liliana Simões Ribeiro Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences lilianarðubi÷pt Lourival Vianna da Silva Neto Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences vianna÷netoðubi÷pt Manuel João Esteves Alves Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences manuel÷joao÷alvesðubi÷pt Marcelo Augusto Linardi Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences marcelo÷linardiðubi÷pt Márcio José Sol Pereira Oliveira Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences marcio÷oliveiraðubi÷pt Maria de Lurdes Silva Duarte Patrício Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences lurdes÷duarte÷patricioðubi÷pt Marilia Costa Bento Budak Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences marilia÷bentoðubi÷pt Mónica Gabriela Prata de Matos Afonso Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences monica÷afonsoðubi÷pt Natália de Lima Figueiredo Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences d2600ðubi÷pt Nathalia Suchek Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences n÷suchekðubi÷pt Negin Zarandi Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences negin÷zarandiðubi÷pt Neuza Cláudia Melo Quintino Freitas Ferreira Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences neuza÷ferreiraðubi÷pt Nuno Miguel Dias Filipe Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences miguel÷filipeðubi÷pt Orlando Manuel Martins Marques de Lima Rua Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences orlando÷ruaðubi÷pt Paula Francisca Marchant Pérez Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences paula÷marchant÷perezðubi÷pt Paula Sande Marinha Lemos Costa Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences paula÷lemos÷costaðubi÷pt Rafaela Vital Caetano Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences rafaela÷caetanoðubi÷pt Raúl Daniel Navas Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences d1174ðubi÷pt Raysa Geaquinto Rocha Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences geaquinto÷rochaðubi÷pt Roberta Dutra de Andrade Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences roberta÷andradeðubi÷pt Ronnie Joshé Figueiredo de Andrade Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences ronnie÷andradeðubi÷pt Ruben Joaquim Pinto Loureiro Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences ruben÷loureiroðubi÷pt Rui Jorge Rodrigues da Silva Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences rui÷jorge÷silvaðubi÷pt Rui Manuel Centeno Martins Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences rui÷centeno÷martinsðubi÷pt Sandra Cristina Vieira Gomes Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences scvgðubi÷pt Sérgio Alexandre Farias Pereira Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences farias÷pereiraðubi÷pt Sónia Rosana Alves de Brito Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences sonia÷rosana÷britoðubi÷pt Teresa Maria Dias de Paiva Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences teresa÷paivaðubi÷pt Vitor Manuel Fernandes Duarte Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences vitor÷duarteðubi÷pt Luis Miguel Constantino Vaz Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences luis÷vazðubi÷pt Adriano Freitas de Azevedo Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences freitas÷azevedoðubi÷pt Alba Katarine Marques de Carvalho Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences alba÷carvalhoðubi÷pt Ana Cristina Brás Silvério Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences ana÷silverioðubi÷pt André Filipe Calvário Sucena Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences andre÷sucenaðubi÷pt Andreia Cristina Barroso Ferreira Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences andreia÷cristina÷ferreiraðubi÷pt Andréia Hartwig Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences d3499ðubi÷pt António Augusto Cabral Marques Fernandes Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences d726ðubi÷pt Antonio Eliezer Raposo Junior Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences d3497ðubi÷pt António Kangué Tomé Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences kangue÷tomeðubi÷pt Bárbara Inês Correia Marto Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences barbara÷martoðubi÷pt Bruno Sérgio Ezequiel Gomes Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences bruno÷s÷gomesðubi÷pt Catarina João Oliveira Dourado Santos Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences catarina÷j÷santosðubi÷pt Catarina Sofia Bento Ladeira Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences catarina÷ladeiraðubi÷pt Catia Sofia Ferreira Bernardino Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences catia÷bernardinoðubi÷pt Daniel Isidoro Martins Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences dimðubi÷pt Daniela Fonseca Fernandes Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences daniela÷f÷fernandesðubi÷pt Elena Gasulla Tortajada Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences gasulla÷tortajadaðubi÷pt Filipe André Teodoro Esteves Mateus Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences filipe÷mateusðubi÷pt Gastão Fernando Silva Sousa Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences d461ðubi÷pt Greice Kely Aragão Ribeiro Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences greice÷ribeiroðubi÷pt Helder Jorge Dias Faria Gomes Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences helder÷gomesðubi÷pt Helena Maria Santos de Oliveira Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences helena÷santos÷oliveiraðubi÷pt Irina Saur-Amaral Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences irina÷amaralðubi÷pt João Serrasqueiro Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences joao÷serrasqueiroðubi÷pt José Paulo Neves Correia Marques dos Santos Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences jose÷paulo÷marques÷santosðubi÷pt Júlio Manuel de Sousa Costa Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences julio÷costaðubi÷pt Lucio Marques Peçanha Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences lucio÷pecanhaðubi÷pt Marcela Souto Castro Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences marcela÷castroðubi÷pt Marco António Mexia Arraia Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences marco÷arraiaðubi÷pt Marco Ivo de Oliveira Figueiredo Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences marco÷figueiredoðubi÷pt Maria de Fátima Pires da Cruz Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences maria÷fatima÷cruzðubi÷pt Maria Manuel Fernandes da Fonseca e Sá Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences maria÷manuel÷saðubi÷pt Marta Sofia Alves Félix Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences marta÷felixðubi÷pt Celio a.a. Sousa Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences celio÷sousaðubi÷pt Joana de Campos Melo Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences joana÷campos÷meloðubi÷pt Maria Alberta Oliveira Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences maria÷alberta÷oliveiraðubi÷pt Matheus Pontes Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences matheus÷pontesðubi÷pt Nayra Leandro Miguel Martins Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences nayra÷martinsðubi÷pt Nuno Ezequiel Pais Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences nuno÷e÷paisðubi÷pt Nuno Miguel Maia Pereira Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences nuno÷miguel÷maia÷pereiraðubi÷pt Patrícia João Rodrigues Oliveira Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences patricia÷oliveiraðubi÷pt Paula Maria Castelo Piedade Proença Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences paula÷proencaðubi÷pt Pedro Bruno Mendonça da Silva Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences mendonca÷silvaðubi÷pt Pedro Nuno Cunha Craveiro Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences pedro÷craveiroðubi÷pt Ricardo Vergueiro Fernandes Costa Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences ricardo÷v÷costaðubi÷pt Rosana Yasue Narazaki Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences rosana÷yasue÷narazakiðubi÷pt Rui Alexandre Ramos Pires Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences rui÷alexandre÷piresðubi÷pt Rui Pedro Labrincha de Azevedo Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences rui÷p÷azevedoðubi÷pt Salvador Heitor Estevao Cumaio Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences salvador÷cumaioðubi÷pt Sandra Maria Fevereiro Marnoto Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences sandra÷marnotoðubi÷pt Sara Margarida Isidoro Frade de Brito Filipe Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences sara÷filipeðubi÷pt Sonia Maria Teixeira Morais de Carvalho Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences sonia÷carvalhoðubi÷pt Susana Cristina Alves da Silva Pereira Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences susana÷pereiraðubi÷pt Tomás Silvino Luís Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences silvino÷luisðubi÷pt Vera Maria dos Santos Nogueira Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences vera÷nogueiraðubi÷pt Vitor Cesar Benfica Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences vitor÷benficaðubi÷pt Wilson Eduardo Ikeda Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences wilson÷ikedaðubi÷pt Querubim Capimolo Capamala Lucamba Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences querubim÷lucambaðubi÷pt Bruno Miguel Pereira Torres Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences bruno÷torresðubi÷pt João Pedro Gonçalves dos Santos Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences goncalves÷santosðubi÷pt Nanja Kroon Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences d2381ðubi÷pt João Roberto Rocha Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences jr÷rochaðubi÷pt Eva Cristina Petiz de Freitas Lousã Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences eva÷lousaðubi÷pt Vinicius Pereira dos Santos Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences vinicius÷santosðubi÷pt César André Cerqueira Ribeiro Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences cesar÷ribeiroðubi÷pt Ebio Viana Meneses Neto Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences ebio÷netoðubi÷pt Domingos Santos Martinho Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences domingos÷martinhoðubi÷pt Vasco Ribeiro Santos Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences vasco÷santosðubi÷pt Isabel Pinto dos Reis Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences isabel÷pinto÷reisðubi÷pt Rui Frade Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences rui÷fradeðubi÷pt Anderson Rei Galvão Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences anderson÷galvaoðubi÷pt Dina Batista Pereira Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences dinaðubi÷pt 275241270 5610 Ana Cláudia Pinto Nave Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences ana÷naveðubi÷pt 2181 Francisco do Adro Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences francisco÷do÷adroðubi÷pt 2085 Ângela Inês Lima Gonçalves Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences angela÷goncalvesðubi÷pt Edgar Fernando Pais Nave Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences edgar÷naveðubi÷pt 275329147 2183 Tiago Saraiva de Oliveira Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences tiago÷saraiva÷oliveiraðubi÷pt Eugénia Maria Gonçalves Matos Pedro Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences eugeniaðubi÷pt 275319819 4019 Claudia Sofia Lourenço Dias Investigador NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences claudia÷sofia÷diasðubi÷pt Maria Manuela da Costa Campos Duarte Secretariado do NECE mcamposðubi÷pt 275319801 4001